Table of Contents






















Type Aliases













Module gui


type alias Clipboard.Type Aliases [src]

ValueFormat Clipboard.ValueFormat
FrameCallback FrameCallback
HookEvent HookEvent
RichEditStyleRef RichEditStyleRef
WndId WndId

struct Gui.AboutDlg [src]

using dialog Dialog
labelIcon *Label
labelMessageTitle *Label
labelMessage *Label


create Creates the message box.
doModal Display the box, centered, and returns the id of the pressed button.

func AboutDlg.create [src]

Creates the message box.

func create(from: *Surface, params: AboutDlgParams, width, height: s32 = 0)->*AboutDlg

func AboutDlg.doModal [src]

Display the box, centered, and returns the id of the pressed button.

func doModal(using self, from: *Surface)

struct Gui.AboutDlgParams [src]

dlgTitle string
messageTitle string
message string
iconTitle Icon Icon that will be displayed in the title bar.
bigIcon Icon Big icon, inside the dialog.

struct Gui.ActionContext [src]

wnd *Wnd
id WndId

enum Gui.AddItemFlags [src]


enum Gui.AnchorStyle [src]


struct Gui.Application [src]

using native ApplicationNative
sigFrame SigArray'(func(*Gui.Application))
options ApplicationOptions
appIcon Pixel.Image
renderer Pixel.RenderOgl
theme *Theme
style ThemeStyle
keyb Core.Input.Keyboard
mouse Core.Input.Mouse
mainSurface *Surface
postedEvents Core.Array'(*Gui.Event)
surfaces Core.Array'(*Gui.Surface)
postDestroy Core.Array'(*Gui.Wnd)
hookOnEvent Core.Array'(*Gui.Wnd)
cursorStack Core.Array'(Gui.Cursor)
endModalExit WndId
inModalLoop u32
quitCode s32
timing Core.Time.FrameTiming
mustQuit bool
endModal bool
isActivated bool
fadeDisabledSurface bool
mutexPostedEvents Core.Sync.Mutex
duringTimerEvents bool
timers Core.Array'(*Gui.Timer)
timersToAdd Core.Array'(*Gui.Timer)
timersToDelete Core.Array'(*Gui.Timer)
frameEvents Core.Array'(*Gui.Wnd)
modalSurfaces Core.Array'(*Gui.Surface)
toDelete Core.Array'({ptr:*void,type:const *Swag.TypeInfo})
mouseEnterWnd *Wnd
mouseCaptureWnd *Wnd
keybFocusWnd *Wnd
maxRunFrame u32
configPath Core.String
hotKeys Core.Array'(Gui.KeyShortcut)


addTimer Register a new timer for the given target.
createSurface Creates a new surface.
deleteTimer Delete and unregister timer.
destroyWnd Destroy a window To cleanly close a window, you should call wnd.destroy().
exitModal End current modal for.
getHotKeyShortcut Get the id associated with a shortcut. null if none.
getHotKeyShortcutNameFor Get the name associated with a given id shortcut.
getMouseCapture Return the captured wnd for mouse.
getWndAtMouse Returns the window under the given point.
invalidate Force all surfaces to be painted.
loadState Load the application state.
popCursor Pop a new mouse cursor.
postEvent Post a new event (thread safe).
postQuitEvent Ask to exit the application.
pushCursor Push a new mouse cursor.
registerFrameEvent Register a window to receive a FrameEvent each running for.
registerHookEvents Register a window to receive hook events.
registerHotKey Register a global os key action.
run Run until exit.
runSurface Create a main surface, and run.
saveState Save the application state.
setActivated Set activated state.
setAppIcon Associate a configuration file.
setConfigPath Associate a configuration file.
unregisterFrameEvent Unregister a window that receives a FrameEvent each running for.
unregisterHookEvents Unregister a window to receive hook events.

Special Functions


func Application.addTimer [src]

Register a new timer for the given target.

func addTimer(using self, time: Time.Duration, target: *Wnd)->*Timer

func Application.createSurface [src]

Creates a new surface.

func createSurface(using self, x, y, width, height: s32, flags = SurfaceFlags.OverlappedWindow, view: *Wnd = null, hook: HookEvent = null)->*Surface throw

func Application.deleteTimer [src]

Delete and unregister timer.

func deleteTimer(using self, timer: *Timer)

func Application.destroyWnd [src]

Destroy a window To cleanly close a window, you should call wnd.destroy().

func destroyWnd(using self, wnd: *Wnd)

func Application.doModalLoop [src]

func doModalLoop(using self, surface: *Surface, cb: func||(*Application) = null)->WndId

func Application.exitModal [src]

End current modal for.

func exitModal(using self, exitId: string = "")

func Application.getDirectoryIcon [src]

func getDirectoryIcon(using self, name: string, small = true)->Icon

func Application.getDt [src]

func getDt(using const self)->f32

func Application.getFileIcon [src]

func getFileIcon(using self, name: string, small = true)->Icon

func Application.getHotKeyShortcut [src]

Get the id associated with a shortcut. null if none.

func getHotKeyShortcut(using self, mdf: Input.KeyModifiers, key: Input.Key)->{id:WndId,wnd:*Wnd}

func Application.getHotKeyShortcutNameFor [src]

Get the name associated with a given id shortcut.

func getHotKeyShortcutNameFor(using self, wndId: WndId)->Core.String

func Application.getKeyboard [src]

func getKeyboard(using self)->*Core.Input.Keyboard

func Application.getMouse [src]

func getMouse(using self)->*Core.Input.Mouse

func Application.getMouseCapture [src]

Return the captured wnd for mouse.

func getMouseCapture(using self)->*Wnd

func Application.getRenderer [src]

func getRenderer(using self)->*Pixel.RenderOgl

func Application.getWndAtMouse [src]

Returns the window under the given point.

func getWndAtMouse(using self)->*Wnd

func Application.invalidate [src]

Force all surfaces to be painted.

func invalidate(using self)

func Application.loadState [src]

Load the application state.

func loadState(using self) throw

func Application.opDrop [src]

func opDrop(using self)

func Application.popCursor [src]

Pop a new mouse cursor.

func popCursor(using self)

func Application.postEvent [src]

Post a new event (thread safe).

func postEvent(using self, event: *Event)

func Application.postQuitEvent [src]

Ask to exit the application.

func postQuitEvent(using self, quitCode: s32 = 0)

func Application.pushCursor [src]

Push a new mouse cursor.

func pushCursor(using self, cursor: Cursor)

func Application.registerFrameEvent [src]

Register a window to receive a FrameEvent each running for.

func registerFrameEvent(using self, target: *Wnd)

func Application.registerHookEvents [src]

Register a window to receive hook events.

func registerHookEvents(using self, target: *Wnd)

func Application.registerHotKey [src]

Register a global os key action.

func registerHotKey(using self, mdf: Input.KeyModifiers, key: Input.Key, wndId: WndId, target: *Wnd) throw

func Application.run [src]

Run until exit.

func run(using self)->s32

func Application.runFrame [src]

func runFrame(using self)

func Application.runSurface [src]

Create a main surface, and run.

func runSurface(x, y, width, height: s32, title: string = null, view: *Wnd = null, borders = true, canSize = true, hook: HookEvent = null, init: func(*Application) = null)

func Application.saveState [src]

Save the application state.

func saveState(using self) throw

func Application.sendEvent [src]

func sendEvent(using self, event: *Event)

func Application.setActivated [src]

Set activated state.

func setActivated(using self, activated: bool)

func Application.setAppIcon [src]

Associate a configuration file.

func setAppIcon(using self, img: Pixel.Image)

func Application.setConfigPath [src]

Associate a configuration file.

func setConfigPath(using self, path: string)

func Application.unregisterFrameEvent [src]

Unregister a window that receives a FrameEvent each running for.

func unregisterFrameEvent(using self, target: *Wnd)

func Application.unregisterHookEvents [src]

Unregister a window to receive hook events.

func unregisterHookEvents(using self, target: *Wnd)

struct Gui.ApplicationNative [src]

fileSmallIconsImage Pixel.Image
fileSmallIconsImageList ImageList
mapFileSmallIcons Core.HashTable'(string, s32)
fileBigIconsImage Pixel.Image
fileBigIconsImageList ImageList
mapFileBigIcons Core.HashTable'(string, s32)

struct Gui.ApplicationOptions [src]

showClipRect bool

enum Gui.BackgroundStyle [src]


struct Gui.BlendColor [src]

Used to animate the blending of a color.

curVec4 Core.Math.Vector4
startVec4 Core.Math.Vector4
destVec4 Core.Math.Vector4
factor f32
start bool
speed f32


apply Apply the color lerp to reach target.
cur Get the current color.
reset Reset the blend.

func BlendColor.apply [src]

Apply the color lerp to reach target.

func apply(using self, wnd: *Wnd, target: Color)

func BlendColor.cur [src]

Get the current color.

func cur(using self)->Pixel.Color

func BlendColor.reset [src]

Reset the blend.

func reset(using self)

struct Gui.Button [src]

using wnd Wnd
icon Icon
iconSizeX f32
iconSizeY f32
sigPressed SigArray'(func(*Gui.Button))
sigRightPressed SigArray'(func(*Gui.Button))
isPressed bool
isPressing bool
isHot bool
isIn bool

enum Gui.ButtonCheckState [src]


struct Gui.CheckButton [src]

using button Button
checked ButtonCheckState
checkButtonFlags CheckButtonFlags
sigChanged SigArray'(func(*Gui.CheckButton))



func IWnd.onMouseEvent [src]

func onMouseEvent(using self, evt: *MouseEvent)

func IWnd.onPaintEvent [src]

func onPaintEvent(using self, evt: *PaintEvent)

func CheckButton.create [src]

func create(parent: *Wnd, name: string, position: Math.Rectangle = {}, id: WndId = null)->*CheckButton

enum Gui.CheckButtonFlags [src]


namespace Gui.Clipboard


addImage Add an image.
addString Add string to clipboard.
addTypedData Add data of a given format of the given type to the clipboard type can be null to just check for the given clipboard format.
addTypedValue Add whatever value with a given type.
getImage Get image from clipboard.
getString Get utf8 string from clipboard.
getTypedData Get data of the given format and type type can be null to just check for the given clipboard format.
getTypedValue Get whatever value with a given type.
hasFormat Returns true if the clipboard contains the given format.
hasImage Returns true if the clipbboard contains an image.
hasString Returns true if the clipboard contains a string.
hasTypedData Returns true if the clipboard contains the given format of the given type.
hasTypedValue Get whatever value with a given type.
registerFormat Register a new format.

func Clipboard.addImage [src]

Add an image.

func addImage(image: Image)

func Clipboard.addString [src]

Add string to clipboard.

func addString(str: string)

func Clipboard.addTypedData [src]

Add data of a given format of the given type to the clipboard type can be null to just check for the given clipboard format.

func addTypedData(fmt: ValueFormat, type: typeinfo, data: const [..] u8)

func Clipboard.addTypedValue [src]

Add whatever value with a given type.

func addTypedValue(value: *void, type: typeinfo)

func Clipboard.getImage [src]

Get image from clipboard.

func getImage()->Pixel.Image

func Clipboard.getString [src]

Get utf8 string from clipboard.

func getString()->Core.String

func Clipboard.getTypedData [src]

Get data of the given format and type type can be null to just check for the given clipboard format.

func getTypedData(fmt: ValueFormat, type: typeinfo)->Core.Array'(u8)

func Clipboard.getTypedValue [src]

Get whatever value with a given type.

func getTypedValue(value: *void, type: typeinfo)->bool

func Clipboard.hasFormat [src]

Returns true if the clipboard contains the given format.

func hasFormat(fmt: ValueFormat)->bool

func Clipboard.hasImage [src]

Returns true if the clipbboard contains an image.

func hasImage()->bool

func Clipboard.hasString [src]

Returns true if the clipboard contains a string.

func hasString()->bool

func Clipboard.hasTypedData [src]

Returns true if the clipboard contains the given format of the given type.

func hasTypedData(fmt: ValueFormat, type: typeinfo)->bool

type can be null to just check for the given clipboard format.

func Clipboard.hasTypedValue [src]

Get whatever value with a given type.

func hasTypedValue(type: typeinfo)->bool

func Clipboard.registerFormat [src]

Register a new format.

func registerFormat(name: string)->Clipboard.ValueFormat throw

struct Gui.ColorPicker [src]

using wnd Wnd
hue f32
sat f32
lum f32
a f32
r f32
g f32
b f32
mode ColorPickerMode
sigChanged SigArray'(func(*Gui.ColorPicker))
dirty bool
isMoving bool
img Pixel.Image
texture Pixel.Texture
xCur s32
yCur s32


change Change one component, HSL or alpha.
getColor Returns the selected color.
setColor Set the base color, and repaint.
setMode Set the color picker box mode.

func IWnd.computeXY [src]

func computeXY(using self)

func IWnd.onMouseEvent [src]

func onMouseEvent(using self, evt: *MouseEvent)

func IWnd.onPaintEvent [src]

func onPaintEvent(using self, evt: *PaintEvent)

func IWnd.onPostPaintEvent [src]

func onPostPaintEvent(using self, evt: *PaintEvent)

func ColorPicker.change [src]

Change one component, HSL or alpha.

func change(using self, h, s, l, a: f32 = -1)

func ColorPicker.create [src]

func create(parent: *Wnd, position: Math.Rectangle = {}, id: WndId = null)->*ColorPicker

func ColorPicker.getColor [src]

Returns the selected color.

func getColor(using self)->Pixel.Color

func ColorPicker.setColor [src]

Set the base color, and repaint.

func setColor(using self, col: Color)

func ColorPicker.setMode [src]

Set the color picker box mode.

func setMode(using self, mode: ColorPickerMode)

struct Gui.ColorPickerCtrl [src]

using frameWnd FrameWnd
sigChanged SigArray'(func(*Gui.ColorPickerCtrl))
oldColor Pixel.Color
color Pixel.Color
pickerFlags ColorPickerFlags
oldColorDone bool
mode ColorPickerViewMode
staticRes *Wnd
pickBox *ColorPicker
pickBar *ColorPicker
pickAlpha *ColorPicker
editA *EditBox
editR *EditBox
editG *EditBox
editB *EditBox
editH *EditBox
radioH *RadioButton
radioL *RadioButton
radioS *RadioButton
radioR *RadioButton
radioG *RadioButton
radioB *RadioButton


createWithPalette Creates a color picker with a palette on the top.
getColor Returns the selected color.
setColor Set the selected color.
setMode Change the display mode.

func IWnd.onPaintEvent [src]

func onPaintEvent(using self, evt: *PaintEvent)

func ColorPickerCtrl.create [src]

func create(parent: *Wnd, position: Math.Rectangle, flags = ColorPickerFlags.All, id: WndId = null)->*ColorPickerCtrl

func ColorPickerCtrl.createWithPalette [src]

Creates a color picker with a palette on the top.

func createWithPalette(parent: *Wnd, position: Math.Rectangle, pal: Array'Color, flags = ColorPickerFlags.All, id: WndId = null)->*Gui.ColorPickerCtrl

pal should contain the palette colors. Maximum is 9 colors. If less colors are provided, then default colors will be added instead (so if you keep pal empty, all defaults colors will be added).

func ColorPickerCtrl.getColor [src]

Returns the selected color.

func getColor(using self)->Pixel.Color

func ColorPickerCtrl.setColor [src]

Set the selected color.

func setColor(using self, color: Color)

func ColorPickerCtrl.setMode [src]

Change the display mode.

func setMode(using self, mode: ColorPickerViewMode)

enum Gui.ColorPickerFlags [src]


enum Gui.ColorPickerMode [src]


enum Gui.ColorPickerViewMode [src]


struct Gui.ComboBox [src]

using wnd Wnd
kind ComboBoxKind
minWidthPopup f32
maxHeightPopup f32
sigChanged SigArray'(func(*Gui.ComboBox, u32))
editBox *EditBox
isHot bool
popup *PopupListCtrl
selectedIdx u32
maxIconSize s32
aniBk BlendColor
aniBorder BlendColor
aniText BlendColor


addItem Add a new item.
addSeparator Add a separator.
clear Remove all items.
getSelectedItem Returns the selected item.
selectItem Set the selected item index.

func IWnd.onMouseEvent [src]

func onMouseEvent(using self, evt: *MouseEvent)

func IWnd.onPaintEvent [src]

func onPaintEvent(using self, evt: *PaintEvent)

func IWnd.onResizeEvent [src]

func onResizeEvent(using self, evt: *ResizeEvent)

func ComboBox.addItem [src]

Add a new item.

func addItem(using self, name: string, id: WndId = null, icon: Icon = {}, userData0: *void = null, userData1: *void = null)->*ComboBoxItem

func ComboBox.addSeparator [src]

Add a separator.

func addSeparator(using self)

func ComboBox.clear [src]

Remove all items.

func clear(using self)

func ComboBox.create [src]

func create(parent: *Wnd, position: Math.Rectangle = {}, id: WndId = null, kind = ComboBoxKind.Select)->*ComboBox

func ComboBox.getSelectedItem [src]

Returns the selected item.

func getSelectedItem(using self)->*ComboBoxItem

func ComboBox.selectItem [src]

Set the selected item index.

func selectItem(using self, idx: u32)

struct Gui.ComboBoxItem [src]

using base Item
isSeparator bool

enum Gui.ComboBoxKind [src]


struct Gui.ComboCtrl [src]

using frameWnd FrameWnd
labelSize f32
comboSize f32
label *Label
combo *ComboBox



func IWnd.onResizeEvent [src]

func onResizeEvent(using self, evt: *ResizeEvent)

func ComboCtrl.create [src]

func create(parent: *Wnd, name: string, position: Math.Rectangle = {}, id: WndId = null)->*ComboCtrl

struct Gui.CommandEvent [src]

using base Event
id WndId
source *Wnd

struct Gui.CommandStateEvent [src]

using base Event
id WndId
source *Wnd
icon Icon
name Core.String
longName Core.String
shortcut Core.String
toolTip Core.String
setFlags CommandStateEvent.SetFlags
disabled bool
checked bool
hidden bool

struct Gui.CreateEvent [src]

using base Event

struct Gui.Cursor [src]

using native NativeCursor


wait Force the wait cursor.

func Cursor.apply [src]

func apply(cursor: Cursor)

func Cursor.clear [src]

func clear(using self)

func Cursor.from [src]

func from(shape: CursorShape)->Cursor

func Cursor.wait [src]

Force the wait cursor.

func wait()

enum Gui.CursorShape [src]


struct Gui.DestroyEvent [src]

using base Event

struct Gui.Dialog [src]

using wnd Wnd
wndBottom *StackLayoutCtrl
buttons Core.Array'(*Gui.PushButton)
sigPressedButton func(*Dialog, WndId)->bool


addButton Add a button.
createDialog Creates a simple dialog box.
createSurface Creates an associated surface.
doModal Display dialog as modal, and returns the user selected window id.
getView Returns the view where stuff can be put.

func IWnd.onKeyEvent [src]

func onKeyEvent(using self, evt: *KeyEvent)

func IWnd.onSysCommandEvent [src]

func onSysCommandEvent(using self, evt: *SysCommandEvent)

func Dialog.addButton [src]

Add a button.

func addButton(using self, str: string, id: WndId, isDefault: bool = false)->*PushButton

func Dialog.createDialog [src]

Creates a simple dialog box.

func createDialog(from: *Surface, width = 512, height = 300, title: string = null, flags = SurfaceFlags.Zero)->*Dialog

func Dialog.createSurface [src]

Creates an associated surface.

func createSurface(using self, from: *Surface, x, y: s32, width = 512, height = 300, flags = SurfaceFlags.Zero)->*Surface

func Dialog.doModal [src]

Display dialog as modal, and returns the user selected window id.

func doModal(using self)->string

func Dialog.getView [src]

Returns the view where stuff can be put.

func getView(using self)->*Wnd

func Dialog.validateId [src]

func validateId(using self, btnId: WndId)

enum Gui.DockStyle [src]

Automatic placement and size of the window in the parent client rectangle.

Top Stack to the top, keeping the vertical size.
Left Stack to the left, keeping the horizontal size.
Right Stack to the right, keeping the horizontal size.
Bottom Stack to the bottom, keeping the vertical size.
Center Fill the remaining parent rect.
CenterKeepSizeVert Fill the remaining parent rect horizontally, but keep the vertical size.

func Gui.DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea [src]

func DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea(hWnd: HWND, pMarInset: *MARGINS)

struct Gui.EditBox [src]

using wnd Wnd
icon Icon
text Core.String
originalText Core.String
unit Core.String
form EditBoxForm
editBoxFlags EditBoxFlags
inputMode EditBoxInputMode
maxLength s32
rightMargin f32
sigChanged SigArray'(func(*Gui.EditBox))
sigLoseFocus SigArray'(func(*Gui.EditBox))
sigEnterPressed SigArray'(func(*Gui.EditBox))
sigEscapePressed SigArray'(func(*Gui.EditBox))
sigCheckContent func(*EditBox)->EditBoxCheckResult
using minMax {minMaxS64:{min:s64,max:s64},minMaxU64:{min:u64,max:u64},minMaxF64:{min:f64,max:f64}}
aniBk BlendColor
aniBorder BlendColor
isInvalid bool
isHot bool
isDragging bool
selBeg u64
selEnd u64
timerCaret *Timer
clearBtn *IconButton
visibleCaret bool
posSelBeg f32
posSelEnd f32
scrollPosX f32
countRunes s32


deleteSelection Delete selected text.
getText Get the associated text.
isValid Returns true if the value is valid.
restoreText Restore the original text.
selectAll Select all text.
setForm Set the editbox form.
setInputF64 Editbox will edit floating points.
setInputS64 Editbox will edit signed integers.
setInputU64 Editbox will edit unsigned integers.
setInputX64 Editbox will edit unsigned integers in hexadecimal form.
setNote Set the editbox note.
setSelection Set current selection.
setText Set the editbox content.
setTextSilent Set the editbox content, but: not notify change.

func IWnd.onFocusEvent [src]

func onFocusEvent(using self, evt: *FocusEvent)

func IWnd.onKeyEvent [src]

func onKeyEvent(using self, evt: *KeyEvent)

func IWnd.onMouseEvent [src]

func onMouseEvent(using self, evt: *MouseEvent)

func IWnd.onPaintEvent [src]

func onPaintEvent(using self, evt: *PaintEvent)

func IWnd.onTimerEvent [src]

func onTimerEvent(using self, evt: *TimerEvent)

func EditBox.create [src]

func create(parent: *Wnd, content: string, position: Math.Rectangle = {}, id: WndId = null)->*EditBox

func EditBox.deleteSelection [src]

Delete selected text.

func deleteSelection(using self)

func EditBox.getText [src]

Get the associated text.

func getText(using self)->string

func EditBox.isValid [src]

Returns true if the value is valid.

func isValid(using self)->bool

Depends if the editbox has some max and min registered values.

func EditBox.restoreText [src]

Restore the original text.

func restoreText(using self)

The original text is the one stored when the editbox has gained the focus.

func EditBox.selectAll [src]

Select all text.

func selectAll(using self)

func EditBox.setForm [src]

Set the editbox form.

func setForm(using self, form: EditBoxForm)

func EditBox.setInputF64 [src]

Editbox will edit floating points.

func setInputF64(using self, min = -Swag.F64.Max, max = Swag.F64.Max)

func EditBox.setInputS64 [src]

Editbox will edit signed integers.

func setInputS64(using self, min = Swag.S64.Min, max = Swag.S64.Max)

func EditBox.setInputU64 [src]

Editbox will edit unsigned integers.

func setInputU64(using self, min = 0'u64, max = Swag.U64.Max)

func EditBox.setInputX64 [src]

Editbox will edit unsigned integers in hexadecimal form.

func setInputX64(using self, min = 0'u64, max = Swag.U64.Max)

func EditBox.setNote [src]

Set the editbox note.

func setNote(using self, note: string)

func EditBox.setSelection [src]

Set current selection.

func setSelection(using self, start, end: u64)

func EditBox.setText [src]

Set the editbox content.

func setText(using self, str: string)

func EditBox.setTextSilent [src]

Set the editbox content, but: not notify change.

func setTextSilent(using self, str: string)

enum Gui.EditBoxCheckResult [src]


enum Gui.EditBoxFlags [src]


enum Gui.EditBoxForm [src]


enum Gui.EditBoxInputMode [src]


struct Gui.EditCtrl [src]

using frameWnd FrameWnd
labelSize f32
editSize f32
label *Label
edit *EditBox


create Create the popup list, but: not display it.

func IWnd.onResizeEvent [src]

func onResizeEvent(using self, evt: *ResizeEvent)

func EditCtrl.create [src]

Create the popup list, but: not display it.

func create(parent: *Wnd, name: string, text: string, position: Math.Rectangle = {}, id: WndId = null, flags: EditBoxFlags = Zero)->*EditCtrl

struct Gui.EditDlg [src]

using dialog Dialog
label *Label
edit *EditBox
richEdit *RichEditCtrl


createMultiLine Creates the message box.
createSingleLine Creates the message box.
getText Get the text.
setMessage Associate a message above the editbox.
setText Set the text.

func EditDlg.createMultiLine [src]

Creates the message box.

func createMultiLine(from: *Surface, heightEdit = 150)->*EditDlg

func EditDlg.createSingleLine [src]

Creates the message box.

func createSingleLine(from: *Surface)->*EditDlg

func EditDlg.getText [src]

Get the text.

func getText(using self)->Core.String

func EditDlg.setMessage [src]

Associate a message above the editbox.

func setMessage(using self, message: string, height: s32 = 40)

func EditDlg.setText [src]

Set the text.

func setText(using self, text: string)

struct Gui.EmbInfoCtrl [src]

using frameWnd FrameWnd
label *Label


create Create the popup list, but: not display it.

func EmbInfoCtrl.create [src]

Create the popup list, but: not display it.

func create(parent: *Wnd, name: string, kind: EmbInfoCtrlKind, height = 40, top = true)->*EmbInfoCtrl

enum Gui.EmbInfoCtrlKind [src]


struct Gui.Event [src]

kind EventKind
type const *Swag.TypeInfo
target *Wnd
accepted bool



func Event.create [src]

func(T) create()->*T func(T) create(kind: EventKind)->*T

enum Gui.EventKind [src]


struct Gui.FileDlg [src]

using dialog Dialog
treeCtrl *ListCtrl
treePathStr Core.Array'(Core.String)
listCtrl *ListCtrl
comboPath *ComboBox
comboPathStr Core.Array'(Core.String)
editFile *EditBox
comboType *ComboBox
dlgOptions FileDlgOptions
curFolder Core.String
curList Core.Array'(Core.File.FileInfo)


create Creates the message box.
getSelectedName Get the first selection.
getSelectedNames Get all selections.

func IWnd.onDestroyEvent [src]

func onDestroyEvent(using self, evt: *DestroyEvent)

func FileDlg.create [src]

Creates the message box.

func create(from: *Surface, opt: FileDlgOptions = {})->*FileDlg

func FileDlg.getSelectedName [src]

Get the first selection.

func getSelectedName(using self)->Core.String

func FileDlg.getSelectedNames [src]

Get all selections.

func getSelectedNames(using self)->Core.Array'(Core.String)

enum Gui.FileDlgMode [src]


struct Gui.FileDlgOptions [src]

title string
btnOkName string
openFolder string
editName string
drivePane bool
mode FileDlgMode
filters Core.Array'({name:string,extensions:string})
shortcuts Core.Array'({type:Core.Env.SpecialDirectory,name:string})
state *FileDlgState

struct Gui.FileDlgState [src]

position Core.Math.Rectangle
curFolder Core.String

struct Gui.FocusEvent [src]

using base Event
other *Wnd
canChangeFocus bool

enum Gui.FocusStategy [src]


struct Gui.FrameEvent [src]

using base Event
firstFrame bool

struct Gui.FrameWnd [src]

using wnd Wnd
view *Wnd
frameForm FrameWndForm
frameFlags FrameWndFlags
anchor FrameWndAnchor
anchorPos f32
usedColorBk Pixel.Color


setFrameFlags Set the frame wnd flags.
setFrameForm Set the frame wnd form.

func IWnd.onPaintEvent [src]

func onPaintEvent(using self, evt: *PaintEvent)

func IWnd.onPostPaintEvent [src]

func onPostPaintEvent(using self, evt: *PaintEvent)

func IWnd.onPrePaintEvent [src]

func onPrePaintEvent(using self, evt: *PaintEvent)

func IWnd.onResizeEvent [src]

func onResizeEvent(using self, evt: *ResizeEvent)

func FrameWnd.createView [src]

func(T) createView(using self, hook: HookEvent = null)->*T

func FrameWnd.setFrameFlags [src]

Set the frame wnd flags.

func setFrameFlags(using self, add, remove = FrameWndFlags.Zero)

func FrameWnd.setFrameForm [src]

Set the frame wnd form.

func setFrameForm(using self, form: FrameWndForm)

func FrameWnd.setView [src]

func setView(using self, what: *Wnd)

enum Gui.FrameWndAnchor [src]


enum Gui.FrameWndFlags [src]


enum Gui.FrameWndForm [src]


struct Gui.GridLayoutCtrl [src]

using wnd Wnd
gridLayoutFlags GridLayoutCtrlFlags
numColumns s32
numRows s32
spacingHorz f32
spacingVert f32
layout Core.Array'(*Gui.Wnd)
colSizes Core.Array'(f32)
rowSizes Core.Array'(f32)


computeLayout Recompute layout of all childs.
create Create a layout control.
setColRowChild Set the wnd associated with the given col and row.
setColSize Set size, in pixel, of a given column.
setRowSize Set size, in pixel, of a given row.

func IWnd.onResizeEvent [src]

func onResizeEvent(using self, evt: *ResizeEvent)

func GridLayoutCtrl.computeLayout [src]

Recompute layout of all childs.

func computeLayout(using self)

func GridLayoutCtrl.create [src]

Create a layout control.

func create(parent: *Wnd, numColumns, numRows: s32, position: Math.Rectangle = {})->*GridLayoutCtrl

func GridLayoutCtrl.setColRowChild [src]

Set the wnd associated with the given col and row.

func setColRowChild(using self, child: *Wnd, col, row: s32, spanH, spanV: s32 = 1)

Window can cover multiple columns and rows.

func GridLayoutCtrl.setColSize [src]

Set size, in pixel, of a given column.

func setColSize(using self, col: s32, size: f32)

func GridLayoutCtrl.setRowSize [src]

Set size, in pixel, of a given row.

func setRowSize(using self, row: s32, size: f32)

enum Gui.GridLayoutCtrlFlags [src]


struct Gui.Header [src]

using wnd Wnd
form HeaderForm
headerFlags HeaderFlags
marginItems f32
sigLayoutChanged func(*Header)
sigClicked func(*Header, u32)
hotIdx u32
hotSeparator bool
moving bool
clicked bool
correctMoving f32
sortColumn u32
sortMark s32


addItem Add a new view.
getItem Returns the given item, by index.
getItemByCol Returns the given item, by column.
getItemPosition Get an item position by index.
getItemPositionByCol Get an item position by column.
getItemWidth Get an item width by index.
getItemWidthByCol Get an item width by column.
getTotalItemsWidth Get the header total width.
setItemWidth Set an item width by index.
setItemWidthByCol Set an item width by column.

func IWnd.onMouseEvent [src]

func onMouseEvent(using self, evt: *MouseEvent)

func IWnd.onPaintEvent [src]

func onPaintEvent(using self, evt: *PaintEvent)

func IWnd.paintItem [src]

func paintItem(using self, bc: PaintContext, item: *HeaderItem, idx: u32, x: f32)

func Header.addItem [src]

Add a new view.

func addItem(using self, tabName: string, width = 100'f32, icon: Icon = {})->*Gui.HeaderItem

func Header.create [src]

func create(parent: *Wnd, position: Math.Rectangle = {}, id: WndId = null)->*Header

func Header.getItem [src]

Returns the given item, by index.

func getItem(using self, idx: u32)->*HeaderItem

func Header.getItemByCol [src]

Returns the given item, by column.

func getItemByCol(using self, column: u32)->*HeaderItem

func Header.getItemPosition [src]

Get an item position by index.

func getItemPosition(using self, idx: u32)->f32

func Header.getItemPositionByCol [src]

Get an item position by column.

func getItemPositionByCol(using self, column: u32)->f32

func Header.getItemWidth [src]

Get an item width by index.

func getItemWidth(using self, idx: u32)->f32

func Header.getItemWidthByCol [src]

Get an item width by column.

func getItemWidthByCol(using self, column: u32)->f32

func Header.getTotalItemsWidth [src]

Get the header total width.

func getTotalItemsWidth(using self)->f32

func Header.setItemWidth [src]

Set an item width by index.

func setItemWidth(using self, idx: u32, width: f32)

func Header.setItemWidthByCol [src]

Set an item width by column.

func setItemWidthByCol(using self, column: u32, width: f32)

enum Gui.HeaderFlags [src]


enum Gui.HeaderForm [src]


struct Gui.HeaderItem [src]

name Pixel.RichString
icon Icon
width f32
minWidth f32
maxWidth f32
sizeable bool
clickable bool
iconMargin bool
column u32

interface Gui.IActionUI [src]

accept func(*IActionUI, ActionContext)->bool
update func(*IActionUI, ActionContext, *CommandStateEvent)->bool
execute func(*IActionUI, ActionContext)->bool

interface Gui.IPropertyNotify [src]

To notify a struct about properties changes.

isItemVisible func(*IPropertyNotify, *Properties, *PropertiesItem)->bool
isItemEnabled func(*IPropertyNotify, *Properties, *PropertiesItem)->bool
fillPopupMenu func(*IPropertyNotify, *Properties, *PropertiesItem, *MenuCtrl)

interface Gui.IPropertyValue [src]

To specialize the edition of a given struct.

construct func(*IPropertyValue, *Properties, Swag.TypeValue, ^u8, *PropertiesItem)->*PropertiesItem

interface Gui.IRichEditLexer [src]

setup func(*IRichEditLexer, *RichEditCtrl)
insertRune func(*IRichEditLexer, *RichEditCtrl, rune)->bool
compute func(*IRichEditLexer, *RichEditLine, *RichEditLine, *RichEditLine)

interface Gui.IWnd [src]

onEvent func(*IWnd, *Event)
onHookEvent func(*IWnd, *Event)
onCreateEvent func(*IWnd, *CreateEvent)
onDestroyEvent func(*IWnd, *DestroyEvent)
onStateEvent func(*IWnd, *StateEvent)
onResizeEvent func(*IWnd, *ResizeEvent)
onPrePaintEvent func(*IWnd, *PaintEvent)
onPaintEvent func(*IWnd, *PaintEvent)
onPostPaintEvent func(*IWnd, *PaintEvent)
onKeyEvent func(*IWnd, *KeyEvent)
onMouseEvent func(*IWnd, *MouseEvent)
onSysCommandEvent func(*IWnd, *SysCommandEvent)
onSysUserEvent func(*IWnd, *SysUserEvent)
onSetThemeEvent func(*IWnd, *SetThemeEvent)
onTimerEvent func(*IWnd, *TimerEvent)
onFocusEvent func(*IWnd, *FocusEvent)
onCommandEvent func(*IWnd, *CommandEvent)
onComputeStateEvent func(*IWnd, *CommandStateEvent)
onApplyStateEvent func(*IWnd, *CommandStateEvent)
onFrameEvent func(*IWnd, *FrameEvent)
onSerializeStateEvent func(*IWnd, *SerializeStateEvent)
onNotifyEvent func(*IWnd, *NotifyEvent)

struct Gui.Icon [src]

imageList *ImageList
index s32
sizeX f32
sizeY f32


clear Set icon to invalid.
from Initialize the icon from an image list.
paint Paint icon at the given position.
set Initialize the icon from an image list.

func Icon.clear [src]

Set icon to invalid.

func clear(using self)

func Icon.from [src]

Initialize the icon from an image list.

func from(imageList: *ImageList, index: s32, sizeX, sizeY: f32 = 0)->Icon

func Icon.isValid [src]

func isValid(using const self)->bool

func Icon.paint [src]

Paint icon at the given position.

func paint(using const self, painter: *Painter, x, y: f32, color: Color = Argb.White)

func Icon.set [src]

Initialize the icon from an image list.

func set(using self, imageList: *ImageList, index: s32, sizeX, sizeY: f32 = 0)

struct Gui.IconBar [src]

using wnd Wnd
iconBarFlags IconBarFlags
iconSize f32
iconPadding f32
sigUpdateState SigArray'(func(*Gui.CommandStateEvent))
sigCheckChanged SigArray'(func(*Gui.IconButton))


addCheckableItem Add a new checkable button.
addCheckableToggleItem Add a new checkable button.
addItem Add a new button.
setIconBarFlags Change bar flags.

func IWnd.onComputeStateEvent [src]

func onComputeStateEvent(using self, evt: *CommandStateEvent)

func IconBar.addCheckableItem [src]

Add a new checkable button.

func addCheckableItem(using self, icon: Icon, btnId: WndId = null)->*IconButton

func IconBar.addCheckableToggleItem [src]

Add a new checkable button.

func addCheckableToggleItem(using self, icon: Icon, btnId: WndId = null)->*IconButton

func IconBar.addItem [src]

Add a new button.

func addItem(using self, icon: Icon, btnId: WndId = null, iconBtnFlags = IconButtonFlags.Zero)->*IconButton

func IconBar.create [src]

func create(parent: *Wnd, iconSize: f32, position: Math.Rectangle = {}, id: WndId = null)->*IconBar

func IconBar.setIconBarFlags [src]

Change bar flags.

func setIconBarFlags(using self, add, remove = IconBarFlags.Zero)

enum Gui.IconBarFlags [src]


struct Gui.IconButton [src]

using button Button
form IconButtonForm
iconBtnFlags IconButtonFlags
checkedForm IconButtonCheckedForm
arrowPos IconButtonArrowPos
textPos IconButtonTextPos
sigHidePopup SigArray'(func(*Gui.IconButton))
sigShowPopup SigArray'(func(*Gui.IconButton))
sigCheckChanged SigArray'(func(*Gui.IconButton))
sigPaintIcon func(*IconButton, *PaintContext, Core.Math.Rectangle)
aniBk BlendColor
isChecked bool
popup *Wnd


createAnchorPopup Creates a popup window linked to the button position.
setCheck Set the check state of the button (if the button is checkable).
setForm Set the button form.

func IWnd.hidePopup [src]

func hidePopup(using self)

func IWnd.onApplyStateEvent [src]

func onApplyStateEvent(using self, evt: *CommandStateEvent)

func IWnd.onDestroyEvent [src]

func onDestroyEvent(using self, evt: *DestroyEvent)

func IWnd.onHookEvent [src]

func onHookEvent(using self, evt: *Event)

func IWnd.onMouseEvent [src]

func onMouseEvent(using self, evt: *MouseEvent)

func IWnd.onPaintEvent [src]

func onPaintEvent(using self, evt: *PaintEvent)

func IconButton.create [src]

func create(parent: *Wnd, icon: Icon, position: Math.Rectangle = {}, id: WndId = null)->*IconButton

func IconButton.createAnchorPopup [src]

Creates a popup window linked to the button position.

func createAnchorPopup(using self, w, h: f32)->*FrameWnd

func IconButton.setCheck [src]

Set the check state of the button (if the button is checkable).

func setCheck(using self, checked: bool)

func IconButton.setForm [src]

Set the button form.

func setForm(using self, form: IconButtonForm)

enum Gui.IconButtonArrowPos [src]


enum Gui.IconButtonCheckedForm [src]


enum Gui.IconButtonFlags [src]


enum Gui.IconButtonForm [src]


enum Gui.IconButtonTextPos [src]


struct Gui.ImageList [src]

texture Pixel.Texture
totalFrames s32
frameSizeX s32
frameSizeY s32


set Initialize image list.

func ImageList.countX [src]

func countX(using self)->s32

func ImageList.countY [src]

func countY(using self)->s32

func ImageList.set [src]

Initialize image list.

func set(using self, texture: Texture, fsx, fsy: s32 = 0, cpt: s32 = 0)

struct Gui.ImageRect [src]

using wnd Wnd
movie Movie
textureFrame Pixel.Texture


setFile Load and set movie.
setImage(self, const &ImageList) Associate image.
setImage(self, const &Image) Associate image.
setImage(self, const &Texture) Associate image.
setMovie Set movie as an image list.

func IWnd.onPaintEvent [src]

func onPaintEvent(using self, evt: *PaintEvent)

func ImageRect.clear [src]

func clear(using self)

func ImageRect.create [src]

func create(parent: *Wnd, position: Math.Rectangle = {}, id: WndId = null)->*ImageRect

func ImageRect.setFile [src]

Load and set movie.

func setFile(using self, fileName: string) throw

func ImageRect.setImage [src]

Associate image.

func setImage(using self, image: ImageList) func setImage(using self, image: Texture) func setImage(using self, image: Image)

func ImageRect.setMovie [src]

Set movie as an image list.

func setMovie(using self, image: ImageList)

struct Gui.Item [src]

name Pixel.RichString
icon Icon
id WndId
userData0 *void
userData1 *void

enum Gui.ItemFlags [src]


struct Gui.KeyEvent [src]

using base Event
modifiers Core.Input.KeyModifiers
key Core.Input.Key
char rune

struct Gui.KeyShortcut [src]

mdf Core.Input.KeyModifiers
key Core.Input.Key
id WndId
target *Wnd

struct Gui.Label [src]

using wnd Wnd
sigUrlClicked SigArray'(func(*Gui.Label, string))
icon Icon
iconColor Pixel.Color
labelFlags LabelFlags
horzAlignmentIcon Pixel.StringHorzAlignment
vertAlignmentIcon Pixel.StringVertAlignment
horzAlignmentText Pixel.StringHorzAlignment
vertAlignmentText Pixel.StringVertAlignment
paddingText Core.Math.Vector4
paddingIcon Core.Math.Vector4
hotChunk *Pixel.RichChunk


autoHeight Recompute widget height.
getText Get the text.
setText Change the text.

func IWnd.onMouseEvent [src]

func onMouseEvent(using self, evt: *MouseEvent)

func IWnd.onPaintEvent [src]

func onPaintEvent(using self, evt: *PaintEvent)

func Label.autoHeight [src]

Recompute widget height.

func autoHeight(using self)

The widget must have the flag AutoHeight.

func Label.create [src]

func create(parent: *Wnd, name: string, position: Math.Rectangle = {}, id: WndId = null, flags: LabelFlags = .Zero)->*Label

func Label.getText [src]

Get the text.

func getText(using self)->string

func Label.setText [src]

Change the text.

func setText(using self, text: string)

enum Gui.LabelFlags [src]


struct Gui.ListCtrl [src]

using frameWnd FrameWnd
horizontalExtent f32
lineHeight f32
indentWidth f32
iconSize f32
iconMarginFirstCol bool
listFlags ListFlags
selectionMode ListSelectionMode
leftTextMargin f32
sigSelChanged SigArray'(func(*Gui.ListCtrl))
sigCheckChanged SigArray'(func(*Gui.ListCtrl))
sigRightClick SigArray'(func(*Gui.ListCtrl, Core.Math.Point))
sigLeftDoubleClick SigArray'(func(*Gui.ListCtrl, Core.Math.Point))
sigExpand SigArray'(func(*Gui.ListCtrl, *Gui.ListLine))
sigCollapse SigArray'(func(*Gui.ListCtrl, *Gui.ListLine))
sigKeyPressed SigArray'(func(*Gui.ListCtrl, *Gui.KeyEvent))
sigVirtualFill func(*ListCtrl, *ListLine, u32)
sigSort func(*ListLine, *ListLine, u32, bool)->s32
toFreeLines Core.ArrayPtr'(Gui.ListLine)
lines Core.Array'(*Gui.ListLine)
idxLineToIdxList Core.HashTable'(u32, u32)
selModel SelModel
checkModel SelModel
focusIndex u32
hotIndex u32
scrollWnd *ScrollWnd
listView *ListView
header *Header
virtualCount u32
isVirtual bool


addColumn Add one column in a multi columns list.
clear Clear all lines.
collapse Collapse the given line.
collapseAll Collapse all lines.
computeLayout Compute global layout, once all lines have been added.
createLine(self, *ListLine) Add one new line.
createLine(self, string, const &Icon, *ListLine) Add one line, and set first column.
ensureVisibleLine Set the corresponding line visible.
expand Expand the given line.
getCheckedLines Get all the checked lines.
getFirstVisibleLineIndex Returns the first visible line index.
getFocusLine Get the line with the keyboard focus.
getLastVisibleLineIndex Returns the last visible line index.
getLine Get a line by index.
getLineCount Returns the number of lines in the list.
getLineHeight Get the height of one line.
getSelectedLine Returns a selected line Mostly for singlesel mode.
getSelectedLines Get all the selected lines.
isLineSelected Returns.
isSelectedLine Returns true if the line at the given index is selected.
selectLine Select of unselect the given line.
selectLines Select a range of lines.
setColumnWidth Set the column width.
setFocus Set focus to the list.
setVirtualCount Set the number of lines in a virtual list.
sort(self) Sort list as before.
sort(self, u32, bool, bool) Sort the list by a given column If persistent is true, then the sorted column will be displayed in the header (if it exists).
toggleExpand Collapse the given line.
unselectAll Unselect all lines.

func ListCtrl.addColumn [src]

Add one column in a multi columns list.

func addColumn(using self, name: string, width: f32 = 100, icon: Icon = {})

func ListCtrl.clear [src]

Clear all lines.

func clear(using self)

func ListCtrl.collapse [src]

Collapse the given line.

func collapse(using self, line: *ListLine)

func ListCtrl.collapseAll [src]

Collapse all lines.

func collapseAll(using self)

func ListCtrl.computeLayout [src]

Compute global layout, once all lines have been added.

func computeLayout(using self)

func ListCtrl.createLine [src]

Add one new line.

func createLine(using self, parentLine: *ListLine)->*ListLine

Add one line, and set first column.

func createLine(using self, name: string, icon: Icon = {}, parentLine: *ListLine = null)->*ListLine

func ListCtrl.createMultiColumns [src]

func createMultiColumns(parent: *Wnd, position: Math.Rectangle = {}, id: WndId = null)->*ListCtrl

func ListCtrl.createSimple [src]

func createSimple(parent: *Wnd, position: Math.Rectangle = {}, id: WndId = null)->*ListCtrl

func ListCtrl.ensureVisibleLine [src]

Set the corresponding line visible.

func ensureVisibleLine(using self, idx: u32)

func ListCtrl.expand [src]

Expand the given line.

func expand(using self, line: *ListLine)

func ListCtrl.getCheckedLines [src]

Get all the checked lines.

func getCheckedLines(using const self)->Core.Array'(*Gui.ListLine)

func ListCtrl.getFirstVisibleLineIndex [src]

Returns the first visible line index.

func getFirstVisibleLineIndex(using self)->u32

func ListCtrl.getFocusLine [src]

Get the line with the keyboard focus.

func getFocusLine(using const self)->*ListLine

func ListCtrl.getLastVisibleLineIndex [src]

Returns the last visible line index.

func getLastVisibleLineIndex(using self)->u32

func ListCtrl.getLine [src]

Get a line by index.

func getLine(using self, idx: u32)->*ListLine

func ListCtrl.getLineCount [src]

Returns the number of lines in the list.

func getLineCount(using self)->u32

func ListCtrl.getLineHeight [src]

Get the height of one line.

func getLineHeight(using self)->f32

func ListCtrl.getSelectedLine [src]

Returns a selected line Mostly for singlesel mode.

func getSelectedLine(using const self)->*ListLine

func ListCtrl.getSelectedLines [src]

Get all the selected lines.

func getSelectedLines(using const self)->Core.Array'(*Gui.ListLine)

func ListCtrl.isLineSelected [src]


func isLineSelected(using self, idx: u32)->bool

func ListCtrl.isSelectedLine [src]

Returns true if the line at the given index is selected.

func isSelectedLine(using const self, idx: u32)->bool

func ListCtrl.selectLine [src]

Select of unselect the given line.

func selectLine(using self, idx: u32, select: bool = true)

func ListCtrl.selectLines [src]

Select a range of lines.

func selectLines(using self, start, end: u32, select: bool = true)

func ListCtrl.setColumnWidth [src]

Set the column width.

func setColumnWidth(using self, idx: u32, width: f32)

func ListCtrl.setFocus [src]

Set focus to the list.

func setFocus(using self)

func ListCtrl.setVirtualCount [src]

Set the number of lines in a virtual list.

func setVirtualCount(using self, count: u32)

func ListCtrl.sort [src]

Sort the list by a given column If persistent is true, then the sorted column will be displayed in the header (if it exists).

func sort(using self, column: u32, descentOrder, persistent = false)

Sort list as before.

func sort(using self)

func ListCtrl.toggleExpand [src]

Collapse the given line.

func toggleExpand(using self, line: *ListLine)

func ListCtrl.unselectAll [src]

Unselect all lines.

func unselectAll(using self)

enum Gui.ListFlags [src]

ForceMarginExpandMark Force one margin even if no expand mark.
NoMouseEmptySel Click does not clear selection if not on an item.

struct Gui.ListItem [src]

sortKey Core.String
colorBk Pixel.Color
colorFg Pixel.Color
column u32
horzAlign Pixel.StringHorzAlignment

struct Gui.ListLine [src]

colorBk Pixel.Color
colorFg Pixel.Color
userData0 *void
userData1 *void
userData2 *void
userData3 *void
leftTextMargin f32
forceExpandMark bool
canCheck bool
separator bool
iconMargin bool
lines Core.ArrayPtr'(Gui.ListLine)
parent *ListLine
index u32
level u32
expanded bool


getItem Get an item by index.
setItem Initialize a given column item.

func ListLine.canExpand [src]

func canExpand(using self)->bool

func ListLine.getItem [src]

Get an item by index.

func getItem(using self, column: u32)->*ListItem

func ListLine.isParentOf [src]

func isParentOf(using self, other: *ListLine)->bool

func ListLine.setItem [src]

Initialize a given column item.

func setItem(using self, column: u32, name: string, icon: Icon = {})->*ListItem

enum Gui.ListSelectionMode [src]


struct Gui.ListView [src]

using wnd Wnd
list *ListCtrl
discardMouseRelease bool

func IWnd.onKeyEvent [src]

func onKeyEvent(using self, evt: *KeyEvent)

func IWnd.onMouseEvent [src]

func onMouseEvent(using self, evt: *MouseEvent)

func IWnd.onPaintEvent [src]

func onPaintEvent(using self, evt: *PaintEvent)

func IWnd.onResizeEvent [src]

func onResizeEvent(using self, evt: *ResizeEvent)

struct Gui.MenuCtrl [src]

using frameWnd FrameWnd
onValidateResult func(*MenuCtrl, WndId)
onComputeItem func(*MenuCtrl, *PopupMenuItem)
menuCtrlFlags MenuCtrlFlags
paddingSel f32
hotIdx u32
selectedIdx u32
bar bool
endModal bool
endModalResult WndId
ownerMenu *MenuCtrl
subVisible *MenuCtrl
timer *Timer
dirtyLayout bool
paintByFrame bool


addItem(self, WndId) Add a new item.
addItem(self, string, WndId, const &Icon, string, bool, bool) Add a new item.
addPopup(self, *MenuCtrl, WndId) Add a new popup item.
addPopup(self, string, *MenuCtrl, const &Icon, WndId) Add a new popup item.
addSeparator Add a separator.
doModal Make the popup menu modal Will return the selected id.

func IWnd.onMouseEvent [src]

func onMouseEvent(using self, evt: *MouseEvent)

func IWnd.onPaintEvent [src]

func onPaintEvent(using self, evt: *PaintEvent)

func IWnd.onTimerEvent [src]

func onTimerEvent(using self, evt: *TimerEvent)

func MenuCtrl.addItem [src]

Add a new item.

func addItem(using self, id: WndId) func addItem(using self, name: string, id: WndId, icon: Icon = {}, rightName: string = null, disabled = false, checked = false)

func MenuCtrl.addPopup [src]

Add a new popup item.

func addPopup(using self, popup: *MenuCtrl, id: WndId) func addPopup(using self, name: string, popup: *MenuCtrl, icon: Icon = {}, id: WndId = null)

func MenuCtrl.addSeparator [src]

Add a separator.

func addSeparator(using self)

func MenuCtrl.computeLayoutPopup [src]

func computeLayoutPopup(using self)

func MenuCtrl.createBar [src]

func createBar(parent: *Wnd, pos: Math.Rectangle = {}, id: WndId = null, owner: *Wnd = null)->*MenuCtrl

func MenuCtrl.createPopup [src]

func createPopup(parent: *Wnd, id: WndId = null, owner: *Wnd = null)->*MenuCtrl

func MenuCtrl.doModal [src]

Make the popup menu modal Will return the selected id.

func doModal(using self, surfacePos: Math.Point, pos = PopupPos.TopLeft, autoDestroy: bool = false)->WndId

func MenuCtrl.updateState [src]

func updateState(using self)

enum Gui.MenuCtrlFlags [src]


struct Gui.MessageDlg [src]

using dialog Dialog
labelIcon *Label
label *Label


confirm Message box to confirm something.
create Creates the message box.
doModal Display the box, centered, and returns the id of the pressed button.
error Message box to show the current raised error.
ok Message box with a ok.
okCancel Message box with a ok and cancel button.
setIcon Set big icon.
setIconColor Set big icon color (icon must has been set before).
yesNo Message box with a yes and no button.
yesNoCancel Message box with a yes and no button.

func MessageDlg.confirm [src]

Message box to confirm something.

func confirm(from: *Surface, message: string, question: string = null)->WndId

func MessageDlg.create [src]

Creates the message box.

func create(from: *Surface, message: string, icon: Icon = {})->*MessageDlg

func MessageDlg.doModal [src]

Display the box, centered, and returns the id of the pressed button.

func doModal(using self, from: *Surface)->string

func MessageDlg.error [src]

Message box to show the current raised error.

func error(from: *Surface, message: string = null)

@err() must still contain the raised error.

func MessageDlg.ok [src]

Message box with a ok.

func ok(from: *Surface, message: string, icon: Icon = {})

func MessageDlg.okCancel [src]

Message box with a ok and cancel button.

func okCancel(from: *Surface, message: string, defaultId = Dialog.BtnCancel, icon: Icon = {})->WndId

func MessageDlg.setIcon [src]

Set big icon.

func setIcon(using self, icon: Icon, color: Color = Argb.Zero)

func MessageDlg.setIconColor [src]

Set big icon color (icon must has been set before).

func setIconColor(using self, color: Color)

func MessageDlg.yesNo [src]

Message box with a yes and no button.

func yesNo(from: *Surface, message: string, title: string = null, defaultId = Dialog.BtnNo, icon: Icon = {})->WndId

func MessageDlg.yesNoCancel [src]

Message box with a yes and no button.

func yesNoCancel(from: *Surface, message: string, defaultId = Dialog.BtnCancel, icon: Icon = {})->WndId

struct Gui.MouseEvent [src]

using base Event
button Core.Input.MouseButton
surfacePos Core.Math.Point
move Core.Math.Point
modifiers Core.Input.KeyModifiers

struct Gui.MoveEvent [src]

using base Event
oldPos Core.Math.Point

struct Gui.Movie [src]

enableCache bool
mustLoop bool
inPause bool
playFreq f32
sigFrameChanged SigArray'(func(*Gui.Movie))
numFrames s32
frameIndex s32
frame Pixel.Image
source MovieSource
imgList ImageList
gif Pixel.Gif.Decoder
bytes Core.Array'(u8)
cacheFrames Core.Array'(Pixel.Image)
currentTime f32
dirtyFrame bool


isValid Returns true if the movie has valid content.
pause Set/Reset pause state.
set(self, const &ImageList) Associate an image list.
set(self, string) Associate a filename.
setFrameIndex Set the current video frame.
update Update timing and change frames.

func Movie.clear [src]

func clear(using self)

func Movie.isValid [src]

Returns true if the movie has valid content.

func isValid(using self)->bool

func Movie.pause [src]

Set/Reset pause state.

func pause(using self, state: bool)

func Movie.set [src]

Associate an image list.

func set(using self, imageList: ImageList)

Associate a filename.

func set(using self, fileName: string) throw

func Movie.setFrameIndex [src]

Set the current video frame.

func setFrameIndex(using self, idx: s32)

func Movie.update [src]

Update timing and change frames.

func update(using self, dt: f32)->bool

enum Gui.MovieSource [src]


struct Gui.NativeCursor [src]

cursor Win32.HCURSOR

struct Gui.NativeSurface [src]

hWnd Win32.HWND
lastDeadChar Win32.WPARAM

struct Gui.NotifyEvent [src]

using base Event
ntfyKind NotifyEvent.Kind
from *Wnd

struct Gui.PaintContext [src]

painter *Pixel.Painter
renderer *Pixel.RenderOgl
isDisabled bool

struct Gui.PaintEvent [src]

using base Event
bc *PaintContext

struct Gui.PaintImage [src]


draw(self, func(*void, *Application, *Painter)) Draw to an image by calling the func.
draw(s32, s32, func(*void, *Application, *Painter)) One shot paint to image.
init First init the PaintImage instance.

Special Functions


func PaintImage.draw [src]

Draw to an image by calling the func.

func draw(using self, call: func||(*Application, *Painter))->Pixel.Image

One shot paint to image.

func draw(w, h: s32, call: func||(*Application, *Painter))->Pixel.Image

func PaintImage.init [src]

First init the PaintImage instance.

func init(using self, w, h: s32)

func PaintImage.opDrop [src]

func opDrop(using self)

struct Gui.PalettePicker [src]

using wnd Wnd
selectedColor Pixel.Color
pal Core.Array'(Pixel.Color)
palPos Core.Array'(Core.Math.Rectangle)
boxSize s32
boxMargin s32
sigChanged SigArray'(func(*Gui.PalettePicker))
hotIdx s32


addColor Add a color.
addHueColors Add a range of changing hue.
addLumColors Add a range of changing luminance.
addSatColors Add a range of changing saturation.

func IWnd.onMouseEvent [src]

func onMouseEvent(using self, evt: *MouseEvent)

func IWnd.onPaintEvent [src]

func onPaintEvent(using self, evt: *PaintEvent)

func PalettePicker.addColor [src]

Add a color.

func addColor(using self, c: Color)

func PalettePicker.addHueColors [src]

Add a range of changing hue.

func addHueColors(using self, numColors: s32, sat, lum: f32)

func PalettePicker.addLumColors [src]

Add a range of changing luminance.

func addLumColors(using self, numColors: s32, base: Color)

func PalettePicker.addSatColors [src]

Add a range of changing saturation.

func addSatColors(using self, numColors: s32, base: Color, lum: f32 = 0.5)

func PalettePicker.create [src]

func create(parent: *Wnd, position: Math.Rectangle = {}, id: WndId = null)->*PalettePicker

struct Gui.PopupListCtrl [src]

using frameWnd FrameWnd
heightItem f32
heightSeparator f32
minWidthPopup f32
maxHeightPopup f32
simFitX bool
simFitY bool
sigSelected func(*PopupListCtrl, u32)
selectedIdx u32
scrollWnd *ScrollWnd
maxIconSize s32


addItem Add a new item in the list.
addSeparator Add a separator.
create Create the popup list, but: not display it.
show Show popup.

func PopupListCtrl.addItem [src]

Add a new item in the list.

func addItem(using self, name: string, id: WndId = null, icon: Icon = {}, userData0: *void = null, userData1: *void = null)

func PopupListCtrl.addSeparator [src]

Add a separator.

func addSeparator(using self)

func PopupListCtrl.create [src]

Create the popup list, but: not display it.

func create(owner: *Wnd)->*PopupListCtrl

func PopupListCtrl.show [src]

Show popup.

func show(using self, x, y: f32, width: f32 = 10)

struct Gui.PopupListCtrlItem [src]

using base Item
isSeparator bool
aniSel BlendColor
aniText BlendColor
aniCheck BlendColor

struct Gui.PopupListView [src]

using wnd Wnd
list *PopupListCtrl
hotIdx u32

func IWnd.onFocusEvent [src]

func onFocusEvent(using self, evt: *FocusEvent)

func IWnd.onMouseEvent [src]

func onMouseEvent(using self, evt: *MouseEvent)

func IWnd.onPaintEvent [src]

func onPaintEvent(using self, evt: *PaintEvent)

struct Gui.PopupMenuItem [src]

rightName Pixel.RichString
popup *MenuCtrl
pos f32
size f32
separator bool
disabled bool
checked bool
hidden bool
aniSel BlendColor
aniText BlendColor
aniRightText BlendColor

enum Gui.PopupPos [src]


struct Gui.ProgressBar [src]

using wnd Wnd
prgBarFlags ProgressBarFlags
progression f32


setProgression Set the progression in [0..1] range.

func IWnd.onPaintEvent [src]

func onPaintEvent(using self, evt: *PaintEvent)

func ProgressBar.create [src]

func create(parent: *Wnd, position: Math.Rectangle = {}, id: WndId = null)->*ProgressBar

func ProgressBar.setProgression [src]

Set the progression in [0..1] range.

func setProgression(using self, prg: f32)

enum Gui.ProgressBarFlags [src]


struct Gui.Properties [src]

using frameWnd FrameWnd
kind PropertiesKind
sizeEditValue s32
gridLineHeight f32
gridLineMargin s32
gridColumnSize s32
gridMarginColumn s32
listNameMarginBefore s32
listNameMarginAfter s32
listDescMarginAfter s32
sigChanged SigArray'(func(*Gui.Properties, *Gui.PropertiesItem))
leftMargin s32
rightMargin s32
fontSection Pixel.FontFamily
fontCategory Pixel.FontFamily
fontName Pixel.FontFamily
scrollWnd *ScrollWnd
edView *PropertiesView
sections Core.Array'({item:*Gui.PropertiesItem,lvl:s32})
hotItem *PropertiesItem
selItem *PropertiesItem
currentSectionIndex u32
stringFilter Core.String
cursorSet bool
resizingColumn bool
aniBar BlendColor
editPopup *Wnd


addStruct Add a new struct to display.
canChangeItem Returns true if the given item can be changed.
create Creates a new Properties instance.
hasChanged To be called when a value has changed.
refresh Refresh all displayed values.
setColumnSize Set the grid mode column size.
setCurrentSection Only display a given section.
setStringFilter Show hidden content depending on the input filter.
updateItemState Update the state of the given item.
updateStates Update the show/hide state of all content.

attr Properties.Category [src]

Start a new category.

Usage: all
attr Category(name: string)

attr Properties.Description [src]

Add a description.

Usage: all
attr Description(desc: string)

attr Properties.EditSize [src]

Value edit size.

Usage: all
attr EditSize(size: s32)

func IWnd.onPaintEvent [src]

func onPaintEvent(using self, evt: *PaintEvent)

attr Properties.MinMax [src]

Min and max values.

Usage: all
attr MinMax(min, max: s64)

attr Properties.Name [src]

Change the field display name.

Usage: all
attr Name(name: string)

attr Properties.RecalcLayout [src]

If the value changed, need to recompute the properties layout.

Usage: all

attr Properties.SliderMinMax [src]

Native float edit width a slider.

Usage: all
attr SliderMinMax(min, max: f32)

attr Properties.Unit [src]

Editbox with a unit text.

Usage: all
attr Unit(value: string)

func Properties.addStruct [src]

Add a new struct to display.

func addStruct(using self, val: any, section: string = null)

func Properties.canChangeItem [src]

Returns true if the given item can be changed.

func canChangeItem(item: *PropertiesItem)->bool

func Properties.create [src]

Creates a new Properties instance.

func create(parent: *Wnd, position: Math.Rectangle = {}, kind = PropertiesKind.List, id: WndId = null)->*Properties

func Properties.hasChanged [src]

To be called when a value has changed.

func hasChanged(using self, item: *PropertiesItem)

func Properties.refresh [src]

Refresh all displayed values.

func refresh(using self)

func Properties.setColumnSize [src]

Set the grid mode column size.

func setColumnSize(using self, size: s32)

func Properties.setCurrentSection [src]

Only display a given section.

func setCurrentSection(using self, sectionIndex: u32)

If sectionIndex is too big, all sections will be displayed.

func Properties.setStringFilter [src]

Show hidden content depending on the input filter.

func setStringFilter(using self, filter: string)

func Properties.updateItemState [src]

Update the state of the given item.

func updateItemState(using self, item: *PropertiesItem)

func Properties.updateStates [src]

Update the show/hide state of all content.

func updateStates(using self)

struct Gui.PropertiesCtrl [src]

using frameWnd FrameWnd
splitter *SplitterCtrl
list *ListCtrl
tab *Tab
prop *Properties
propFlags PropertiesCtrlFlags


addStruct Add a new struct to display.
create Creates a new Properties instance.

func PropertiesCtrl.addStruct [src]

Add a new struct to display.

func addStruct(using self, val: any, category: string = null)

func PropertiesCtrl.create [src]

Creates a new Properties instance.

func create(parent: *Wnd, position: Math.Rectangle = {}, kind = PropertiesKind.List, flags = PropertiesCtrlFlags.SectionPane, id: WndId = null)->*PropertiesCtrl

enum Gui.PropertiesCtrlFlags [src]

SectionPane Display all sections in a pane on the left.
SectionFilter Display a section filter bar.

struct Gui.PropertiesItem [src]

filter Core.String
line *Wnd
data *u8
type const *Swag.TypeInfo
typeValue Swag.TypeValue
parent *PropertiesItem
flags ItemFlags
userData0 *void
userData1 *void
label *Label
description Core.String
labelDesc *Label
editBox *EditBox
checkBox *CheckButton
comboBox *ComboBox
sliderBox *SliderCtrl
sigResize SigArray'(func(*Gui.PropertiesItem))
sigRefresh SigArray'(func(*Gui.PropertiesItem))
ntfyItf IPropertyNotify
aniFocusBk BlendColor
aniFocusBorder BlendColor
level u32
numChilds u32
section u32
extendFocus f32

enum Gui.PropertiesKind [src]

List This is a flat list.
Grid This is a more compact property grid.

struct Gui.PropertiesView [src]

struct Gui.PushButton [src]

using button Button
form PushButtonForm
aniBk BlendColor
aniBorder BlendColor
aniText BlendColor



func IWnd.onMouseEvent [src]

func onMouseEvent(using self, evt: *MouseEvent)

func IWnd.onPaintEvent [src]

func onPaintEvent(using self, evt: *PaintEvent)

func PushButton.create [src]

func create(parent: *Wnd, name: string, position: Math.Rectangle = {}, id: WndId = null)->*PushButton

enum Gui.PushButtonForm [src]


struct Gui.QuitEvent [src]

using base Event
quitCode s32

struct Gui.RadioButton [src]

using button Button
checked bool
radioButtonFlags RadioButtonFlags
sigChanged SigArray'(func(*Gui.RadioButton))


setChecked Set the checked state.

func IWnd.onMouseEvent [src]

func onMouseEvent(using self, evt: *MouseEvent)

func IWnd.onPaintEvent [src]

func onPaintEvent(using self, evt: *PaintEvent)

func RadioButton.create [src]

func create(parent: *Wnd, name: string, position: Math.Rectangle = {}, id: WndId = null)->*RadioButton

func RadioButton.setChecked [src]

Set the checked state.

func setChecked(using self, checked: bool)

enum Gui.RadioButtonFlags [src]


struct Gui.ResizeEvent [src]

using base Event
oldSize Core.Math.Point

enum Gui.RichEditCommand [src]


struct Gui.RichEditCtrl [src]

using frameWnd FrameWnd
richEdFlags RichEditFlags
lineSpacing f32
overwriteMode bool
tabSize s32
marginLeft f32
marginRight f32
lexer IRichEditLexer
form RichEditForm
sigIsReadOnly SigArray'(func(*bool))
sigChanged SigArray'(func(*Gui.RichEditCtrl))
sigModified SigArray'(func(*Gui.RichEditCtrl))
bkColorModel Core.String
styles [256] RichEditRuneStyle
stylesSelect [2] RichEditRuneStyle
cursorPos RichEditCursor
selBeg RichEditCursor
lines Core.ArrayPtr'(Gui.RichEditLine)
freeLines Core.ArrayPtr'(Gui.RichEditLine)
scrollWnd *ScrollWnd
edView *RichEditView
selRectangle Core.Math.Rectangle
hasSelRect bool
modified bool
recomputeScroll bool
dirtyFirstLineView bool
forceCaretVisible bool
forceCaretVisibleCenter bool
undoMgr Core.ArrayPtr'(Gui.RichEditUndo)
toUndo Core.ArrayPtr'(Gui.RichEditUndo)
mapping Core.Array'(Gui.RichEditMapping)
currentUndo u64
undoCounter u64
modifiedUndoMarker u64
serialUndo u64
countVisibleLines u64
firstVisibleLineView u64
lastVisibleLineView u64
clipFormat Clipboard.ValueFormat
cursorPosUndo RichEditCursor
selBegUndo RichEditCursor


addText Append a text with a given style.
charPressed Simulate a keyboard character pressed.
clear Clear content.
deleteBegLine Delete a given text at the start of each selected line.
evaluateSize Evaluate the rendering size.
executeCommand Execute a command.
getRune Get the rune at the given cursor pos.
getSelectedText Get the selected text.
getText Get the full text.
getTextAndStyles Get the full text with the associated styles per character.
insertBegLine Insert text at the start of each selected line.
insertRune Insert a rune.
insertText(self, string) Insert a text with a given style.
insertText(self, string, const &Array'(u8)) Insert a text with a style per character.
isReadOnly Returns true if the rich edit is read only.
keyPressed Simulate a keyboard pressed.
lexAll Lex the full text.
setForm Set form.
setLexer Associate a lexer.
setRichEdFlags Set richedit flags.
setText Set the text content.

func RichEditCtrl.addMapping [src]

func addMapping(using self, key: Input.Key, mdf: Input.KeyModifiers, cmd: RichEditCommand)

func RichEditCtrl.addText [src]

Append a text with a given style.

func addText(using self, text: string, txtStyle: RichEditStyleRef = 0)

func RichEditCtrl.canRedo [src]

func canRedo(using self)->bool

func RichEditCtrl.canUndo [src]

func canUndo(using self)->bool

func RichEditCtrl.charPressed [src]

Simulate a keyboard character pressed.

func charPressed(using self, key: Input.Key, ch: rune, mdf: Input.KeyModifiers)

func RichEditCtrl.checkSelection [src]

func checkSelection(using self)

func RichEditCtrl.clear [src]

Clear content.

func clear(using self)

func RichEditCtrl.clearMapping [src]

func clearMapping(using self)

func RichEditCtrl.clearSelection [src]

func clearSelection(using self)

func RichEditCtrl.clearUndo [src]

func clearUndo(using self)

func RichEditCtrl.copyToClipboard [src]

func copyToClipboard(using self)

func RichEditCtrl.create [src]

func create(parent: *Wnd, position: Math.Rectangle = {}, id: WndId = null)->*RichEditCtrl

func RichEditCtrl.deleteBegLine [src]

Delete a given text at the start of each selected line.

func deleteBegLine(using self, txt: string, lastLine: bool)

func RichEditCtrl.deleteLeft [src]

func deleteLeft(using self)

func RichEditCtrl.deleteLine [src]

func deleteLine(using self)

func RichEditCtrl.deleteRight [src]

func deleteRight(using self)

func RichEditCtrl.deleteSelection [src]

func deleteSelection(using self)

func RichEditCtrl.deleteWordLeft [src]

func deleteWordLeft(using self)

func RichEditCtrl.deleteWordRight [src]

func deleteWordRight(using self)

func RichEditCtrl.ensureCaretIsVisible [src]

func ensureCaretIsVisible(using self, center = false)

func RichEditCtrl.ensureCursorIsVisible [src]

func ensureCursorIsVisible(using self, cp: RichEditCursor, center: bool)

func RichEditCtrl.evaluateSize [src]

Evaluate the rendering size.

func evaluateSize(using self)->{w:f32,h:f32}

func RichEditCtrl.executeCommand [src]

Execute a command.

func executeCommand(using self, cmd: RichEditCommand)

func RichEditCtrl.getBegSelection [src]

func getBegSelection(using self)->RichEditCursor

func RichEditCtrl.getCaretPos [src]

func getCaretPos(using self, cp: RichEditCursor)->Core.Math.Rectangle

func RichEditCtrl.getCursorDisplayPos [src]

func getCursorDisplayPos(using self, cp: RichEditCursor)->Core.Math.Point

func RichEditCtrl.getCursorPosFromPoint [src]

func getCursorPosFromPoint(using self, pt: Math.Point)->RichEditCursor

func RichEditCtrl.getEndSelection [src]

func getEndSelection(using self)->RichEditCursor

func RichEditCtrl.getMappingCommand [src]

func getMappingCommand(using self, key: Input.Key, mdf: Input.KeyModifiers)->RichEditCommand

func RichEditCtrl.getRune [src]

Get the rune at the given cursor pos.

func getRune(using self, cp: RichEditCursor)->{char:rune,style:RichEditStyleRef}

func RichEditCtrl.getRuneSize [src]

func getRuneSize(using self, line: *RichEditLine, i: u64, x: f32)->Core.Math.Point

func RichEditCtrl.getSelectedText [src]

Get the selected text.

func getSelectedText(using self)->Core.String

func RichEditCtrl.getTabOffset [src]

func getTabOffset(using self, x: s32, numBlanks: *s32 = null)->s32

func RichEditCtrl.getText [src]

Get the full text.

func getText(using self)->Core.String

func RichEditCtrl.getTextAndStyles [src]

Get the full text with the associated styles per character.

func getTextAndStyles(using self)->{text:Core.Array'(rune),styles:Core.Array'(u8)}

func RichEditCtrl.getXExtent [src]

func getXExtent(using self)->Core.Math.Point

func RichEditCtrl.insertBegLine [src]

Insert text at the start of each selected line.

func insertBegLine(using self, txt: string)

func RichEditCtrl.insertRune [src]

Insert a rune.

func insertRune(using self, ch: rune)

func RichEditCtrl.insertText [src]

Insert a text with a given style.

func insertText(using self, text: string)

Insert a text with a style per character.

func insertText(using self, text: string, txtStyles: Array'u8)

func RichEditCtrl.isReadOnly [src]

Returns true if the rich edit is read only.

func isReadOnly(using self)->bool

func RichEditCtrl.isSelectionEmpty [src]

func isSelectionEmpty(using self)->bool

func RichEditCtrl.keyPressed [src]

Simulate a keyboard pressed.

func keyPressed(using self, key: Input.Key, mdf: Input.KeyModifiers)

func RichEditCtrl.lexAll [src]

Lex the full text.

func lexAll(using self)

func RichEditCtrl.moveCursorDown [src]

func moveCursorDown(using self, cp: *RichEditCursor)->bool

func RichEditCtrl.moveCursorEndFile [src]

func moveCursorEndFile(using self, cp: *RichEditCursor)

func RichEditCtrl.moveCursorEndLine [src]

func moveCursorEndLine(using self, cp: *RichEditCursor)

func RichEditCtrl.moveCursorLeft [src]

func moveCursorLeft(using self, cp: *RichEditCursor)->bool

func RichEditCtrl.moveCursorPageDown [src]

func moveCursorPageDown(using self, cp: *RichEditCursor)

func RichEditCtrl.moveCursorPageUp [src]

func moveCursorPageUp(using self, cp: *RichEditCursor)

func RichEditCtrl.moveCursorRight [src]

func moveCursorRight(using self, cp: *RichEditCursor)->bool

func RichEditCtrl.moveCursorStartFile [src]

func moveCursorStartFile(using self, cp: *RichEditCursor)

func RichEditCtrl.moveCursorStartLine [src]

func moveCursorStartLine(using self, cp: *RichEditCursor)

func RichEditCtrl.moveCursorUp [src]

func moveCursorUp(using self, cp: *RichEditCursor)->bool

func RichEditCtrl.moveCursorWordLeft [src]

func moveCursorWordLeft(using self, cp: *RichEditCursor)

func RichEditCtrl.moveCursorWordRight [src]

func moveCursorWordRight(using self, cp: *RichEditCursor, withSpace: bool)

func RichEditCtrl.pasteFromClipboard [src]

func pasteFromClipboard(using self)

func RichEditCtrl.popUndo [src]

func popUndo(using self)

func RichEditCtrl.pushUndo [src]

func pushUndo(using self)

func RichEditCtrl.redo [src]

func redo(using self)

func RichEditCtrl.scrollLineDown [src]

func scrollLineDown(using self)

func RichEditCtrl.scrollLineUp [src]

func scrollLineUp(using self)

func RichEditCtrl.selectAll [src]

func selectAll(using self)

func RichEditCtrl.selectWord [src]

func selectWord(using self)

func RichEditCtrl.setCursorPos [src]

func setCursorPos(using self, cp: RichEditCursor)

func RichEditCtrl.setDefaultMapping [src]

func setDefaultMapping(using self)

func RichEditCtrl.setFocus [src]

func setFocus(using self)

func RichEditCtrl.setForm [src]

Set form.

func setForm(using self, form: RichEditForm)

func RichEditCtrl.setLexer [src]

Associate a lexer.

func setLexer(using self, lex: IRichEditLexer)

func RichEditCtrl.setRectangularSelection [src]

func setRectangularSelection(using self, selRect: bool)

func RichEditCtrl.setRichEdFlags [src]

Set richedit flags.

func setRichEdFlags(using self, flags: RichEditFlags)

func RichEditCtrl.setSelection [src]

func setSelection(using self, start, end: RichEditCursor)

func RichEditCtrl.setText [src]

Set the text content.

func setText(using self, text: string)

func RichEditCtrl.undo [src]

func undo(using self)

struct Gui.RichEditCursor [src]

lineIndex u64
charPosInLine u64

enum Gui.RichEditFlags [src]


enum Gui.RichEditForm [src]


struct Gui.RichEditLexerSwag [src]

mapStyles [256] RichEditStyleRef
mapWords Core.HashTable'(string, s32)

func IRichEditLexer.compute [src]

func compute(using self, linePrev, line, lineNext: *RichEditLine)

func IRichEditLexer.insertRune [src]

func insertRune(using self, ed: *RichEditCtrl, ch: rune)->bool

func IRichEditLexer.setup [src]

func setup(using self, ed: *RichEditCtrl)

struct Gui.RichEditLine [src]

struct Gui.RichEditMapping [src]

key Core.Input.Key
modifiers Core.Input.KeyModifiers
command RichEditCommand

struct Gui.RichEditRuneStyle [src]

colBk Pixel.Color
colFg Pixel.Color
fontMode Pixel.FontFamilyStyle
underline Pixel.UnderlineStyle

struct Gui.RichEditUndo [src]

type RichEditUndoType
concatChars bool
selBeg RichEditCursor
cursorPos RichEditCursor
runes Core.Array'(rune)
styles Core.Array'(u8)
serial u64
hasSelRect bool
begSelectionBefore RichEditCursor
endSelectionBefore RichEditCursor
begSelectionAfter RichEditCursor
endSelectionAfter RichEditCursor

enum Gui.RichEditUndoType [src]


struct Gui.RichEditView [src]

struct Gui.ScrollWnd [src]

using frameWnd FrameWnd
scrollIncrementV f32
scrollIncrementH f32
scrollSize Core.Math.Point
scrollWndFlags ScrollWndFlags
sigScrollPosChanged SigArray'(func(*Gui.ScrollWnd, Core.Math.Point, Core.Math.Point))
sigScrollSizeChanged SigArray'(func(*Gui.ScrollWnd, Core.Math.Point, Core.Math.Point))
oldMouseCapture *Wnd
scrollSmoothPos Core.Math.Point
scrollRequestPos Core.Math.Point
smoothScroll bool
showBarV bool
needV bool
posBoxV f32
sizeBoxV f32
isHotV bool
isHotBarV bool
isPressedV bool
showBarH bool
needH bool
posBoxH f32
sizeBoxH f32
isHotH bool
isHotBarH bool
isPressedH bool
isMoving bool
isGrabbing bool
correcMoving f32
offsetClientV f32
offsetClientH f32
paddingZ f32
paddingW f32
aniBkBarV BlendColor
aniBkBarH BlendColor
aniBoxV BlendColor
aniBoxH BlendColor
grabbingPos Core.Math.Point


getScrollPos Get the current scroll position.
setScrollPos(self, const &Point) Set the current scroll position.
setScrollPos(self, f32, f32)
setScrollSize Set the scroll size (window virtual size).

func IWnd.onMouseEvent [src]

func onMouseEvent(using self, evt: *MouseEvent)

func IWnd.onPaintEvent [src]

func onPaintEvent(using self, evt: *PaintEvent)

func IWnd.onResizeEvent [src]

func onResizeEvent(using self, evt: *ResizeEvent)

func ScrollWnd.getClientScrollRect [src]

func getClientScrollRect(using self)->Core.Math.Rectangle

func ScrollWnd.getScrollPos [src]

Get the current scroll position.

func getScrollPos(using self)->Core.Math.Point

func ScrollWnd.setScrollPos [src]

Set the current scroll position.

func setScrollPos(using self, pt: Math.Point) func setScrollPos(using self, x, y: f32)

func ScrollWnd.setScrollSize [src]

Set the scroll size (window virtual size).

func setScrollSize(using self, x, y: f32)

enum Gui.ScrollWndFlags [src]


struct Gui.SelModel [src]

selection Core.Array'({start:u32,end:u32})


select Select the given index.
unselectAll Unselect all.

Special Functions


func SelModel.getSelectedRangeIndex [src]

func getSelectedRangeIndex(using self, idx: u32)->u32

func SelModel.isEmpty [src]

func isEmpty(using self)->bool

func SelModel.isSelected [src]

func isSelected(using self, idx: u32)->bool

func SelModel.opVisit [src]

#[Swag.Macro] func(ptr: bool, back: bool) opVisit(using self, stmt: code)

func SelModel.select [src]

Select the given index.

func select(using self, idx: u32, select: bool)

func SelModel.unselectAll [src]

Unselect all.

func unselectAll(using self)

struct Gui.SerializeStateEvent [src]

using base Event
ser *Core.Serialization.Serializer

struct Gui.SetThemeEvent [src]

using base Event
style *ThemeStyle
parent *ThemeStyle

struct Gui.SigArray [src]

struct SigArray(T)
arr Core.Array'(Gui.SigArray.T)
disabled s32


call Call all registered lambdas.
disable Disable the calls.
enable Enable the calls.
isEmpty Returns true if the array is empty.

Special Functions


func SigArray.call [src]

Call all registered lambdas.

func call(using self, params: ...)

func SigArray.disable [src]

Disable the calls.

func disable(using self)

func SigArray.enable [src]

Enable the calls.

func enable(using self)

func SigArray.isEmpty [src]

Returns true if the array is empty.

func isEmpty(using const self)->bool

func SigArray.opAssign [src]

func(op: string) opAssign(using self, fn: self.T)

enum Gui.SizingBorder [src]


struct Gui.Slider [src]

using wnd Wnd
value1 f32
value2 f32
min f32
max f32
steps f32
sliderFlags SliderFlags
sigStartChange SigArray'(func(*Gui.Slider))
sigChanged SigArray'(func(*Gui.Slider))
sigEndChange SigArray'(func(*Gui.Slider))
isMoving bool
isPressed1 bool
isPressed2 bool
isHot1 bool
isHot2 bool
hasValue1 bool
hasValue2 bool
correcMoving f32
aniMark1 BlendColor
aniMark2 BlendColor
aniStep1 BlendColor
aniStep2 BlendColor


setMinMax Set the min, max and steps values.
setRangeValues Set left and right values, for a range.
setValueLeft Set the left value (in case of a range).
setValueRight Set the right value (in case of a range).

func IWnd.onMouseEvent [src]

func onMouseEvent(using self, evt: *MouseEvent)

func IWnd.onPaintEvent [src]

func onPaintEvent(using self, evt: *PaintEvent)

func Slider.create [src]

func create(parent: *Wnd, position: Math.Rectangle = {}, id: WndId = null, range = false, vertical = false)->*Slider

func Slider.getValue [src]

func getValue(using const self)->f32

func Slider.getValueLeft [src]

func getValueLeft(using const self)->f32

func Slider.getValueRight [src]

func getValueRight(using const self)->f32

func Slider.setMinMax [src]

Set the min, max and steps values.

func setMinMax(self, min, max: f32, steps: f32 = 0)

func Slider.setRangeValues [src]

Set left and right values, for a range.

func setRangeValues(using self, left, right: f32)

func Slider.setValue [src]

func setValue(using self, f: f32)

func Slider.setValueLeft [src]

Set the left value (in case of a range).

func setValueLeft(using self, f: f32)

func Slider.setValueRight [src]

Set the right value (in case of a range).

func setValueRight(using self, f: f32)

struct Gui.SliderCtrl [src]

using frameWnd FrameWnd
labelSize f32
editSize f32
sigChanged SigArray'(func(*Gui.SliderCtrl))
label *Label
slider *Slider
edit *EditBox


create Create the popup list, but: not display it.
getValue Get the slider current value.
setMinMaxF32 Set a f32 range.
setMinMaxS64 Set a f64 range.
setMinMaxU64 Set a u64 range.
setValue Set the slider current value.

func IWnd.onResizeEvent [src]

func onResizeEvent(using self, evt: *ResizeEvent)

func SliderCtrl.create [src]

Create the popup list, but: not display it.

func create(parent: *Wnd, name: string, position: Math.Rectangle = {}, id: WndId = null)->*SliderCtrl

func SliderCtrl.getValue [src]

Get the slider current value.

func getValue(using self)->f32

func SliderCtrl.setMinMaxF32 [src]

Set a f32 range.

func setMinMaxF32(using self, min, max: f32)

func SliderCtrl.setMinMaxS64 [src]

Set a f64 range.

func setMinMaxS64(using self, min, max: s64)

func SliderCtrl.setMinMaxU64 [src]

Set a u64 range.

func setMinMaxU64(using self, min, max: u64)

func SliderCtrl.setValue [src]

Set the slider current value.

func setValue(using self, value: f32)

enum Gui.SliderFlags [src]


struct Gui.SplitterCtrl [src]

using frameWnd FrameWnd
splitterFlags SplitterFlags
titleSize f32
correctMoving f32
hotIdx u32
moving bool
numVisiblePanes s32


addPane Add a new pane.
create Creates a new SplitterCtrl instance.
isPaneVisible Returns true if the given pane is visible.
setPaneSize Set the pane size (size of the first view).
showPane Show or hide a given pane.

func IWnd.onMouseEvent [src]

func onMouseEvent(using self, evt: *MouseEvent)

func IWnd.onPostPaintEvent [src]

func onPostPaintEvent(using self, evt: *PaintEvent)

func IWnd.onResizeEvent [src]

func onResizeEvent(using self, evt: *ResizeEvent)

func SplitterCtrl.addPane [src]

Add a new pane.

func addPane(using self, pane: *Wnd, paneSize: f32 = 100, title = false)->*SplitterItem

func SplitterCtrl.create [src]

Creates a new SplitterCtrl instance.

func create(parent: *Wnd, position: Math.Rectangle = {}, vertical = false, id: WndId = null)->*SplitterCtrl

func SplitterCtrl.isPaneVisible [src]

Returns true if the given pane is visible.

func isPaneVisible(using self, idx: u32)->bool

func SplitterCtrl.isVertical [src]

func isVertical(using self)->bool

func SplitterCtrl.setPaneSize [src]

Set the pane size (size of the first view).

func setPaneSize(using self, idx: u32, newSize: f32)

func SplitterCtrl.showPane [src]

Show or hide a given pane.

func showPane(using self, idx: u32, show: bool)

enum Gui.SplitterFlags [src]


struct Gui.SplitterItem [src]

view *Wnd
size f32
minSize f32
maxSize f32
label *Label
tryPreserveSize bool
visible bool
aniBar BlendColor

struct Gui.StackLayoutCtrl [src]

using wnd Wnd
layoutKind StackLayoutKind
spacing f32


computeLayout Recompute layout of all childs.
create Create a layout control.

func IWnd.onResizeEvent [src]

func onResizeEvent(using self, evt: *ResizeEvent)

func StackLayoutCtrl.computeLayout [src]

Recompute layout of all childs.

func computeLayout(using self)

func StackLayoutCtrl.create [src]

Create a layout control.

func create(parent: *Wnd, kind: StackLayoutKind = .Top, position: Math.Rectangle = {})->*StackLayoutCtrl

enum Gui.StackLayoutKind [src]


struct Gui.StateEvent [src]

using base Event

struct Gui.Surface [src]

using native NativeSurface
app *Application
wnd *SurfaceWnd
painter Pixel.Painter
rt Pixel.RenderTarget
userData *void
rc Pixel.RenderingContext
minSize Core.Math.Point
maxSize Core.Math.Point
flags SurfaceFlags
dirtyRect Core.Math.Rectangle
colorDisabled Pixel.Color
isDirty bool
isHidden bool
isDisabled bool
isMinimized bool
using state SurfaceState


bringToTop Bring the surface at the top of the Z order.
center Center this surface relative to from.
constaintToScreen Constraint a window to be inside the closest monitor.
create Creates the surface.
destroy Destroy the surface.
disable Enable the surface.
enable Enable the surface.
getView Returns inside view.
hide Hide the surface.
invalidate Invalidate the full surface to be painted.
invalidateRect Invalidate one part of the surface to be painted.
paint Main surface paint function.
screenToSurface Transform a point in screen space relative to the surface.
setIcon Set the surface icon.
setPosition Set the surface position.
setSurfaceFlags Change flag surfaces.
setTitle Set the surface title.
show Show the surface.
showMaximized Show the surface as maximized.
showMinimized Show the surface as minimized.
showNormal Show the surface in its default state.
surfaceToScreen Transform a point relative to the surface in screen space.

func Surface.bringToTop [src]

Bring the surface at the top of the Z order.

func bringToTop(using self)

func Surface.center [src]

Center this surface relative to from.

func center(using self, from: *Surface)

func Surface.constaintToScreen [src]

Constraint a window to be inside the closest monitor.

func constaintToScreen(using self)

func Surface.create [src]

Creates the surface.

func create(surface: *Surface, x, y, width, height: s32, flags: SurfaceFlags, mainSurface: *Surface) throw

func Surface.destroy [src]

Destroy the surface.

func destroy(using self)

func Surface.disable [src]

Enable the surface.

func disable(using self)

func Surface.enable [src]

Enable the surface.

func enable(using self)

func Surface.getView [src]

Returns inside view.

func getView(using self)->*Wnd

func Surface.hide [src]

Hide the surface.

func hide(using self)

func Surface.invalidate [src]

Invalidate the full surface to be painted.

func invalidate(using self)

func Surface.invalidateRect [src]

Invalidate one part of the surface to be painted.

func invalidateRect(using self, rect: Math.Rectangle)

func Surface.paint [src]

Main surface paint function.

func paint(using self)

func Surface.screenToSurface [src]

Transform a point in screen space relative to the surface.

func screenToSurface(using self, pt: *Math.Point)

func Surface.setIcon [src]

Set the surface icon.

func setIcon(using self, icon: Icon)

func Surface.setPosition [src]

Set the surface position.

func setPosition(using self, pos: Math.Rectangle)

func Surface.setSurfaceFlags [src]

Change flag surfaces.

func setSurfaceFlags(using self, add, remove = SurfaceFlags.Zero)

func Surface.setTitle [src]

Set the surface title.

func setTitle(using self, name: string)

func Surface.setView [src]

func setView(using self, view: *Wnd)

func Surface.show [src]

Show the surface.

func show(using self)

func Surface.showMaximized [src]

Show the surface as maximized.

func showMaximized(using self)

func Surface.showMinimized [src]

Show the surface as minimized.

func showMinimized(using self)

func Surface.showNormal [src]

Show the surface in its default state.

func showNormal(using self)

func Surface.surfaceToScreen [src]

Transform a point relative to the surface in screen space.

func surfaceToScreen(using self, pt: *Math.Point)

enum Gui.SurfaceFlags [src]


struct Gui.SurfaceState [src]

position Core.Math.Rectangle
positionNotMaximized Core.Math.Rectangle
isMaximized bool

struct Gui.SurfaceWnd [src]

using base FrameWnd
icon Icon
minimizeBtn *IconButton
maximizeBtn *IconButton
closeBtn *IconButton
movingSurface bool
sizingBorder SizingBorder
cursorSet bool

struct Gui.SysCommandEvent [src]

using base Event
sysKind SysCommandEvent.Kind

struct Gui.SysUserEvent [src]

using base Event
userMsg u64
param0 u64
param1 u64

struct Gui.Tab [src]

using wnd Wnd
barForm TabBarForm
viewForm TabViewForm
barLayout TabBarLayout
sigSelChanged SigArray'(func(*Gui.Tab))
buttonPopup *IconButton
views Core.ArrayPtr'(Gui.TabItem)
popup *PopupListCtrl
selectedIdx u32
firstVisibleIdx u32
hotIdx u32
barHeight f32
mostRightPos f32


addItem Add a new view.
clear Remove all items.
getSelectedItem Returns the current selected item, or null.
select Select one tab at the given index.
setForm Set the tab form.

func IWnd.onMouseEvent [src]

func onMouseEvent(using self, evt: *MouseEvent)

func IWnd.onPaintEvent [src]

func onPaintEvent(using self, evt: *PaintEvent)

func IWnd.onResizeEvent [src]

func onResizeEvent(using self, evt: *ResizeEvent)

func IWnd.paintItem [src]

func paintItem(using self, painter: *Painter, v: *TabItem, idx: u32)

func Tab.addItem [src]

Add a new view.

func addItem(using self, tabName: string, icon: Icon = {}, view: *Wnd = null)->*TabItem

func Tab.clear [src]

Remove all items.

func clear(using self)

func Tab.create [src]

func create(parent: *Wnd, position: Math.Rectangle = {}, id: WndId = null)->*Tab

func Tab.getSelectedItem [src]

Returns the current selected item, or null.

func getSelectedItem(using self)->*TabItem

func Tab.select [src]

Select one tab at the given index.

func select(using self, idx: u32)

func Tab.setForm [src]

Set the tab form.

func setForm(using self, tabForm: TabForm)

enum Gui.TabBarForm [src]


enum Gui.TabBarLayout [src]


enum Gui.TabForm [src]


struct Gui.TabItem [src]

pos f32
width f32
view *Wnd
aniImg BlendColor
aniBorder BlendColor
aniText BlendColor

enum Gui.TabItemForm [src]


enum Gui.TabViewForm [src]


struct Gui.Theme [src]

intialized bool
res ThemeResources
rects ThemeImageRects
metrics ThemeMetrics
colors ThemeColors


createDefaultFont Create a default font with the given size.
createDefaultFontFS Create a default font (fixed size) with the given size.
createDefaultFontfamily Create a default font family with the given size.
drawSubRect(self, *Painter, const &Rectangle, *ThemeImageRect, const &Color, bool, InterpolationMode)
drawSubRect(*Painter, const &Texture, const &Rectangle, *ThemeImageRect, const &Color, bool, InterpolationMode)

func Theme.createDefaultFont [src]

Create a default font with the given size.

func createDefaultFont(using self, size: u32, style = FontFamilyStyle.Regular)->*Pixel.Font

func Theme.createDefaultFontFS [src]

Create a default font (fixed size) with the given size.

func createDefaultFontFS(using self, size: u32, style = FontFamilyStyle.Regular)->*Pixel.Font

func Theme.createDefaultFontfamily [src]

Create a default font family with the given size.

func createDefaultFontfamily(using self, size: u32)->Pixel.FontFamily

func Theme.drawIconText [src]

func drawIconText(painter: *Painter, position: Math.Rectangle, icon: Icon, name: *RichString, stringFormat: RichStringFormat, iconMargin = 4'f32)

func Theme.drawSubRect [src]

func drawSubRect(using self, painter: *Painter, dstRect: Math.Rectangle, subRect: *ThemeImageRect, color: Color, center = true, interpol = InterpolationMode.Linear) func drawSubRect(painter: *Painter, texture: Texture, dstRect: Math.Rectangle, subRect: *ThemeImageRect, color: Color, center = true, interpol = InterpolationMode.Linear)

func Theme.getIcon24 [src]

func getIcon24(using self, idx: ThemeIcons24, size = 24'f32)->Gui.Icon

func Theme.getIcon64 [src]

func getIcon64(using self, idx: ThemeIcons64, size = 64'f32)->Gui.Icon

func Theme.setTextColors [src]

func setTextColors(using self, fmt: *RichStringFormat, mainColor: Color)

struct Gui.ThemeColors [src]

Transparent u32
Blue u32
LightBlue u32
Disabled u32
LighterSmall u32
LighterMedium u32
LighterBig u32
LighterVeryBig u32
White u32
Gray1 u32
Gray2 u32
Gray3 u32
Gray4 u32
Gray5 u32
Gray6 u32
Gray7 u32
Gray8 u32
richColor1 Pixel.Color
richColor2 Pixel.Color
richColor3 Pixel.Color
surfaceDisabled Pixel.Color
hilight Pixel.Color
hilightLight Pixel.Color
hilightDark Pixel.Color
disabled Pixel.Color
transparent Pixel.Color
lighterSmall Pixel.Color
lighterMedium Pixel.Color
lighterBig Pixel.Color
lighterVeryBig Pixel.Color
wnd_Bk Pixel.Color
wnd_Caption Pixel.Color
wnd_CaptionNotActived Pixel.Color
wnd_CaptionText Pixel.Color
wnd_CaptionNotActivatedText Pixel.Color
wnd_BtnCloseBk Pixel.Color
wnd_BtnCloseHotBk Pixel.Color
wnd_Shadow Pixel.Color
view_Bk Pixel.Color
dlg_Bk Pixel.Color
dlg_BtnBarBk Pixel.Color
btnPush_StrongText Pixel.Color
btnPush_StrongBorder Pixel.Color
btnPush_StrongBk Pixel.Color
btnPush_Text Pixel.Color
btnPush_Border Pixel.Color
btnPush_Bk Pixel.Color
btnPush_PressedText Pixel.Color
btnPush_PressedBorder Pixel.Color
btnPush_PressedBk Pixel.Color
btnPush_HotText Pixel.Color
btnPush_HotBorder Pixel.Color
btnPush_HotBk Pixel.Color
btnPush_DisabledText Pixel.Color
btnPush_DisabledBorder Pixel.Color
btnPush_DisabledBk Pixel.Color
btnPushFlat_DisabledText Pixel.Color
btnPushFlat_DisabledBorder Pixel.Color
btnPushFlat_DisabledBk Pixel.Color
btnPushFlat_Text Pixel.Color
btnPushFlat_Border Pixel.Color
btnPushFlat_Bk Pixel.Color
btnPushFlat_PressedText Pixel.Color
btnPushFlat_PressedBorder Pixel.Color
btnPushFlat_PressedBk Pixel.Color
btnPushFlat_HotText Pixel.Color
btnPushFlat_HotBorder Pixel.Color
btnPushFlat_HotBk Pixel.Color
btnPushDefault_DisabledText Pixel.Color
btnPushDefault_DisabledBorder Pixel.Color
btnPushDefault_DisabledBk Pixel.Color
btnPushDefault_Text Pixel.Color
btnPushDefault_Border Pixel.Color
btnPushDefault_Bk Pixel.Color
btnPushDefault_PressedText Pixel.Color
btnPushDefault_PressedBorder Pixel.Color
btnPushDefault_PressedBk Pixel.Color
btnPushDefault_HotText Pixel.Color
btnPushDefault_HotBorder Pixel.Color
btnPushDefault_HotBk Pixel.Color
btnIcon_Icon Pixel.Color
btnIcon_Text Pixel.Color
btnIcon_Bk Pixel.Color
btnIcon_DisabledIcon Pixel.Color
btnIcon_DisabledText Pixel.Color
btnIcon_DisabledBk Pixel.Color
btnIcon_PressedIcon Pixel.Color
btnIcon_PressedText Pixel.Color
btnIcon_PressedBk Pixel.Color
btnIcon_HotIcon Pixel.Color
btnIcon_HotText Pixel.Color
btnIcon_HotBk Pixel.Color
btnIcon_CheckedDisabledIcon Pixel.Color
btnIcon_CheckedDisabledText Pixel.Color
btnIcon_CheckedPressedIcon Pixel.Color
btnIcon_CheckedPressedText Pixel.Color
btnIcon_CheckedHotIcon Pixel.Color
btnIcon_CheckedHotText Pixel.Color
btnIcon_CheckedIcon Pixel.Color
btnIcon_CheckedText Pixel.Color
btnIcon_CheckedDisabledBk Pixel.Color
btnIcon_CheckedPressedBk Pixel.Color
btnIcon_CheckedHotBk Pixel.Color
btnIcon_CheckedBk Pixel.Color
btnIcon_CheckedMark Pixel.Color
btnIcon_CheckedPressedMark Pixel.Color
btnIcon_CheckedHotMark Pixel.Color
btnIcon_CheckedDisabledMark Pixel.Color
label_Text Pixel.Color
label_TextLight Pixel.Color
label_Text1 Pixel.Color
label_Text2 Pixel.Color
label_Text3 Pixel.Color
label_DisabledText Pixel.Color
label_Icon Pixel.Color
label_DisabledIcon Pixel.Color
btnCheck_Text Pixel.Color
btnCheck_Border Pixel.Color
btnCheck_Mark Pixel.Color
btnCheck_Bk Pixel.Color
btnCheck_PressedText Pixel.Color
btnCheck_PressedBorder Pixel.Color
btnCheck_PressedMark Pixel.Color
btnCheck_PressedBk Pixel.Color
btnCheck_HotText Pixel.Color
btnCheck_HotBorder Pixel.Color
btnCheck_HotMark Pixel.Color
btnCheck_HotBk Pixel.Color
btnCheck_DisabledText Pixel.Color
btnCheck_DisabledBorder Pixel.Color
btnCheck_DisabledMark Pixel.Color
btnCheck_DisabledBk Pixel.Color
btnCheck_CheckedText Pixel.Color
btnCheck_CheckedBk Pixel.Color
btnCheck_CheckedBorder Pixel.Color
btnCheck_CheckedMark Pixel.Color
toolTip_Bk Pixel.Color
toolTip_Border Pixel.Color
toolTip_Text Pixel.Color
url_Text Pixel.Color
url_HotText Pixel.Color
edit_Border Pixel.Color
edit_FocusBorder Pixel.Color
edit_HotBorder Pixel.Color
edit_DisabledBorder Pixel.Color
edit_Bk Pixel.Color
edit_DisabledBk Pixel.Color
edit_ErrorBk Pixel.Color
edit_HotBk Pixel.Color
edit_FocusBk Pixel.Color
edit_Note Pixel.Color
edit_Text Pixel.Color
edit_TextUnit Pixel.Color
edit_DisabledText Pixel.Color
edit_SelectedText Pixel.Color
edit_SelectedBk Pixel.Color
edit_ErrorBorder Pixel.Color
richEdit_Bk Pixel.Color
richEdit_TextSpecial Pixel.Color
richEdit_Text Pixel.Color
richEdit_SelText Pixel.Color
richEdit_SelTextNoFocus Pixel.Color
richEdit_SelBk Pixel.Color
richEdit_SelBkNoFocus Pixel.Color
richEdit_Caret Pixel.Color
richEdit_CurLineBorder Pixel.Color
btnToggle_DisabledBorder Pixel.Color
btnToggle_DisabledMark Pixel.Color
btnToggle_DisabledBk Pixel.Color
btnToggle_OffBorder Pixel.Color
btnToggle_OffMark Pixel.Color
btnToggle_OffBk Pixel.Color
btnToggle_OffHotBorder Pixel.Color
btnToggle_OffHotMark Pixel.Color
btnToggle_OffHotBk Pixel.Color
btnToggle_OffPressedBorder Pixel.Color
btnToggle_OffPressedMark Pixel.Color
btnToggle_OffPressedBk Pixel.Color
btnToggle_OnBorder Pixel.Color
btnToggle_OnMark Pixel.Color
btnToggle_OnBk Pixel.Color
btnToggle_OnHotBorder Pixel.Color
btnToggle_OnHotMark Pixel.Color
btnToggle_OnHotBk Pixel.Color
btnToggle_OnPressedBorder Pixel.Color
btnToggle_OnPressedMark Pixel.Color
btnToggle_OnPressedBk Pixel.Color
slider_BkLeft Pixel.Color
slider_BkMiddle Pixel.Color
slider_BkRight Pixel.Color
slider_HilightBk Pixel.Color
slider_Mark Pixel.Color
slider_HotMark Pixel.Color
slider_PressedMark Pixel.Color
slider_DisabledMark Pixel.Color
slider_DisabledBk Pixel.Color
slider_StepBk Pixel.Color
slider_HilightStepBk Pixel.Color
slider_HotStepBk Pixel.Color
tabItem_DisabledText Pixel.Color
tabItem_SelectedText Pixel.Color
tabItem_UnSelectedText Pixel.Color
tabItem_FlatSelected Pixel.Color
tabItem_FlatHot Pixel.Color
tabItem_RoundSelected Pixel.Color
tabItem_RoundHot Pixel.Color
tabItem_ButtonSelected Pixel.Color
tabItem_ButtonHot Pixel.Color
tabItem_PushButtonSelected Pixel.Color
tabItem_PushButtonSelectedBorder Pixel.Color
tabItem_PushButtonHot Pixel.Color
tabItem_PushButtonHotBorder Pixel.Color
tabItem_PushButtonBk Pixel.Color
tabItem_PushButtonBkBorder Pixel.Color
tabBar_FlatBk Pixel.Color
tabBar_RoundBk Pixel.Color
tabView_FlatBk Pixel.Color
tabView_RoundBk Pixel.Color
menuPopup_Bk Pixel.Color
menuPopup_Border Pixel.Color
menuPopup_Shadow Pixel.Color
menuPopup_Separator Pixel.Color
menuBar_Bk Pixel.Color
menuBar_Border Pixel.Color
menuBar_SelectedBk Pixel.Color
popupItem_Text Pixel.Color
popupItem_RightText Pixel.Color
popupItem_DisabledText Pixel.Color
popupItem_HotText Pixel.Color
popupItem_HotRightText Pixel.Color
popupItem_HotBk Pixel.Color
scrollBar_Bk Pixel.Color
scrollBar_HotBk Pixel.Color
scrollBar_DisabledBk Pixel.Color
scrollBar_Box Pixel.Color
scrollBar_HotBox Pixel.Color
scrollBar_PressedBox Pixel.Color
comboBox_Border Pixel.Color
comboBox_HotBorder Pixel.Color
comboBox_DisabledBorder Pixel.Color
comboBox_SelectedBorder Pixel.Color
comboBox_Bk Pixel.Color
comboBox_HotBk Pixel.Color
comboBox_DisabledBk Pixel.Color
comboBox_SelectedBk Pixel.Color
comboBox_Text Pixel.Color
comboBox_HotText Pixel.Color
comboBox_DisabledText Pixel.Color
comboBox_SelectedText Pixel.Color
comboBoxItem_Text Pixel.Color
comboBoxItem_HotBk Pixel.Color
comboBoxItem_HotText Pixel.Color
comboBoxItem_CheckMark Pixel.Color
comboBoxItem_HotCheckMark Pixel.Color
popupList_Separator Pixel.Color
popupList_HotBk Pixel.Color
popupList_Text Pixel.Color
popupList_HotText Pixel.Color
popupList_CheckMark Pixel.Color
popupList_HotCheckMark Pixel.Color
frameWnd_SmallShadow Pixel.Color
frameWnd_Border Pixel.Color
frameWnd_PopupBorder Pixel.Color
frameWnd_FocusBorder Pixel.Color
frameWnd_DisabledBorder Pixel.Color
frameWnd_Bk Pixel.Color
frameWnd_DisabledBk Pixel.Color
frameWnd_FocusBk Pixel.Color
listItem_FocusSelectedBk Pixel.Color
listItem_SelectedBk Pixel.Color
listItem_HotBk Pixel.Color
listItem_DisabledText Pixel.Color
listItem_SelectedText Pixel.Color
listItem_Text Pixel.Color
listItem_Separator Pixel.Color
listItem_AlternateBk Pixel.Color
listItem_Line Pixel.Color
headerItem_DisabledText Pixel.Color
headerItem_HotText Pixel.Color
headerItem_HotBk Pixel.Color
headerItem_ClickedBk Pixel.Color
headerItem_Text Pixel.Color
headerItem_Separator Pixel.Color
header_Bk Pixel.Color
splitView_TitleBk Pixel.Color
splitView_Bar Pixel.Color
splitView_BarHot Pixel.Color
progressBar_DisabledBorder Pixel.Color
progressBar_DisabledBk Pixel.Color
progressBar_DisabledMark Pixel.Color
progressBar_Border Pixel.Color
progressBar_Bk Pixel.Color
progressBar_Mark Pixel.Color
palPicker_Border Pixel.Color
palPicker_HotBorder Pixel.Color
colorPicker_Border Pixel.Color
colorPicker_BackAlpha Pixel.Color
colorPicker_Mark Pixel.Color
imageRect_Fg Pixel.Color
embInfo_CriticalBk Pixel.Color
embInfo_InformationBk Pixel.Color
prop_FocusBk Pixel.Color
prop_FocusBorder Pixel.Color
prop_HotBk Pixel.Color
prop_HotBorder Pixel.Color
prop_GridBorder Pixel.Color
prop_GridColumn Pixel.Color
prop_SectionBk Pixel.Color
prop_CategBk Pixel.Color
prop_Bk1 Pixel.Color

enum Gui.ThemeIcons24 [src]


enum Gui.ThemeIcons64 [src]


struct Gui.ThemeImageRect [src]

rect Core.Math.Rectangle
corner f32
keepBordersRatio bool

struct Gui.ThemeImageRects [src]

surfaceWnd_Shadow ThemeImageRect
wnd_Border ThemeImageRect
wnd_Caption ThemeImageRect
wnd_CaptionSmall ThemeImageRect
dlg_BtnBar ThemeImageRect
btnPush_Normal ThemeImageRect
btnPush_NormalBorder ThemeImageRect
btnPush_Hot ThemeImageRect
btnPush_HotBorder ThemeImageRect
btnPush_Pressed ThemeImageRect
btnPush_PressedBorder ThemeImageRect
btnPush_Disabled ThemeImageRect
btnPush_DisabledBorder ThemeImageRect
btnIcon_SquareBk ThemeImageRect
btnIcon_RoundBk ThemeImageRect
btnIcon_RoundSquareBk ThemeImageRect
btnIcon_CheckedBottom ThemeImageRect
btnIcon_CheckedTop ThemeImageRect
btnIcon_CheckedLeft ThemeImageRect
btnIcon_CheckedRight ThemeImageRect
btnIcon_CheckedFull ThemeImageRect
btnIcon_ArrowDown ThemeImageRect
btnIcon_ArrowLeft ThemeImageRect
btnIcon_ArrowUp ThemeImageRect
btnIcon_ArrowRight ThemeImageRect
btnCheck_Normal ThemeImageRect
btnCheck_NormalBorder ThemeImageRect
btnCheck_Undefined ThemeImageRect
btnCheck_UndefinedBorder ThemeImageRect
btnCheck_UndefinedMark ThemeImageRect
btnCheck_Checked ThemeImageRect
btnCheck_CheckedBorder ThemeImageRect
btnCheck_CheckedMark ThemeImageRect
btnRadio_NormalBorder ThemeImageRect
btnRadio_Normal ThemeImageRect
btnRadio_CheckedBorder ThemeImageRect
btnRadio_Checked ThemeImageRect
btnRadio_CheckedMark ThemeImageRect
edit_SquareBk ThemeImageRect
edit_SquareBorder ThemeImageRect
edit_RoundBk ThemeImageRect
edit_RoundBorder ThemeImageRect
edit_FlatBk ThemeImageRect
edit_FlatBorder ThemeImageRect
btnToggle_Bk ThemeImageRect
btnToggle_Border ThemeImageRect
btnToggle_Mark ThemeImageRect
slider_BkLeft ThemeImageRect
slider_BkMiddle ThemeImageRect
slider_BkRight ThemeImageRect
slider_BkLeftVert ThemeImageRect
slider_BkMiddleVert ThemeImageRect
slider_BkRightVert ThemeImageRect
slider_Mark ThemeImageRect
slider_Step ThemeImageRect
tabItem_FlatSelected ThemeImageRect
tabItem_RoundSelected ThemeImageRect
tabItem_RoundHot ThemeImageRect
tabItem_ButtonSelected ThemeImageRect
tabItem_ButtonHot ThemeImageRect
tabItem_PushButtonSelected ThemeImageRect
tabItem_PushButtonHot ThemeImageRect
tabItem_PushButtonBk ThemeImageRect
tabItem_PushButtonBorder ThemeImageRect
tabBar_FlatBk ThemeImageRect
tabBar_FlatRoundBk ThemeImageRect
tabBar_RoundBk ThemeImageRect
tabView_FlatBk ThemeImageRect
tabView_RoundBk ThemeImageRect
menuPopup_Shadow ThemeImageRect
menuPopup_Bk ThemeImageRect
menuPopup_Border ThemeImageRect
menuPopup_HotBk ThemeImageRect
menuBar_Bk ThemeImageRect
menuBar_Border ThemeImageRect
menuBar_SelectedBk ThemeImageRect
menuItem_CheckedMark ThemeImageRect
scrollBar_BkV ThemeImageRect
scrollBar_BkH ThemeImageRect
scrollBar_BoxV ThemeImageRect
scrollBar_BoxH ThemeImageRect
scrollBar_Corner ThemeImageRect
frameWnd_SmallShadow ThemeImageRect
frameWnd_SquareBk ThemeImageRect
frameWnd_SquareBorder ThemeImageRect
frameWnd_RoundBk ThemeImageRect
frameWnd_RoundBorder ThemeImageRect
frameWnd_AnchorTop ThemeImageRect
frameWnd_AnchorTopBk ThemeImageRect
frameWnd_AnchorBottom ThemeImageRect
frameWnd_AnchorBottomBk ThemeImageRect
frameWnd_AnchorRight ThemeImageRect
frameWnd_AnchorRightBk ThemeImageRect
frameWnd_AnchorLeft ThemeImageRect
frameWnd_AnchorLeftBk ThemeImageRect
header_FlatBk ThemeImageRect
header_RoundBk ThemeImageRect
selectionBox_Bk ThemeImageRect
splitView_HorzBarBk ThemeImageRect
splitView_HorzBarHotBk ThemeImageRect
splitView_VertBarBk ThemeImageRect
splitView_VertBarHotBk ThemeImageRect
progressBar_Bk ThemeImageRect
progressBar_Border ThemeImageRect
progressBar_Mark ThemeImageRect
colorPicker_RoundPick ThemeImageRect
colorPicker_SquarePick ThemeImageRect
colorPicker_Bk ThemeImageRect
colorPicker_Border ThemeImageRect

struct Gui.ThemeMetrics [src]

defaultFontSize u32
defaultFixedFontSize u32
surfaceWnd_ShadowSize f32
wnd_BorderSize f32
wnd_BigCaptionCY f32
wnd_SmallCaptionCY f32
wnd_CaptionMarginTitle f32
tabBar_FlatHeight f32
tabBar_RoundHeight f32
tabBar_ButtonHeight f32
btnPush_Padding f32
btnPush_Width f32
btnPush_Height f32
iconText_Margin f32
btnCheck_Size f32
btnCheck_Padding f32
dialog_Padding f32
dialog_BtnPadding f32
editBox_SquarePadding Core.Math.Vector4
editBox_RoundPadding Core.Math.Vector4
editBox_FlatPadding Core.Math.Vector4
editBox_Width f32
editBox_Height f32
editBox_UnitMargin f32
btnToggle_Width f32
btnToggle_Height f32
slider_Width f32
slider_Height f32
slider_BoxSize f32
slider_StepSize f32
menuPopup_Padding f32
menuPopup_SpaceLines f32
menuPopup_ShadowSize f32
menuPopup_IconTextMargin f32
menuPopup_SeparatorHeight f32
menuBar_Height f32
menuBar_SpaceBetween f32
iconBar_ButtonsPadding f32
scrollBar_NormalSize f32
scrollBar_SmallSize f32
scrollBar_BoxPadding f32
scrollBar_BoxMinSize f32
comboBox_Width f32
comboBox_Height f32
comboBox_RightMargin f32
comboBox_Padding f32
comboBox_IconTextMargin f32
popupList_Padding f32
popupList_IconTextMargin f32
popupList_SeparatorPadding f32
btnIcon_WidthArrow f32
btnIcon_HeightArrow f32
btnIcon_Padding f32
btnIcon_MarginArrow f32
btnIcon_SpacingIcon f32
btnIcon_SpacingArrowH f32
btnIcon_SpacingArrowV f32
btnIcon_SpacingTextH f32
btnIcon_SpacingTextV f32
frameWnd_SquarePadding f32
frameWnd_RoundPadding f32
frameWnd_FlatPadding f32
frameWnd_SmallShadowSize Core.Math.Vector4
frameWnd_AnchorWidth f32
frameWnd_AnchorHeight f32
frameWnd_AnchorOverlap f32
frameWnd_AnchorRoundBorderMargin f32
frameWnd_AnchorSquareBorderMargin f32
list_Padding f32
list_ExpandSize f32
header_Height f32
header_Padding Core.Math.Vector4
header_Separator f32
splitView_BarSize f32
progressBar_Height f32
progressBar_ClipOffset f32
progressBar_SpeedInf f32
colorPicker_RoundPick f32
colorPicker_SquarePick f32
label_Height f32
richEdit_Padding f32
toolTip_Padding f32

struct Gui.ThemeResources [src]

imgWidgets Pixel.Texture
icons24 *ImageList
icons64 *ImageList
spin *ImageList
defaultTypeFaceR *Pixel.TypeFace
defaultTypeFaceB *Pixel.TypeFace
defaultTypeFaceI *Pixel.TypeFace
defaultTypeFaceBI *Pixel.TypeFace
defaultFsTypeFaceR *Pixel.TypeFace
defaultFsTypeFaceB *Pixel.TypeFace
defaultFsTypeFaceI *Pixel.TypeFace
defaultFsTypeFaceBI *Pixel.TypeFace
fontDefault Pixel.FontFamily
fontDefaultFs Pixel.FontFamily

struct Gui.ThemeStyle [src]

refr *ThemeStyleRef
dirty bool
styleSheetMetrics Core.String
styleSheetColors Core.String
font Pixel.FontFamily


create Create a specific style based on the parent.
setFont(self, *Font, FontFamilyStyle)
setFont(self, const &FontFamily)

Special Functions


func ThemeStyle.addStyleSheetColors [src]

func addStyleSheetColors(using self, str: string)

func ThemeStyle.addStyleSheetMetrics [src]

func addStyleSheetMetrics(using self, str: string)

func ThemeStyle.clearFont [src]

func clearFont(using self)

func ThemeStyle.clearStyleSheetColors [src]

func clearStyleSheetColors(using self)

func ThemeStyle.create [src]

Create a specific style based on the parent.

func create(using self, parent: *ThemeStyle)

func ThemeStyle.getFont [src]

func getFont(using self)->Pixel.FontFamily

func ThemeStyle.opDrop [src]

func opDrop(using self)

func ThemeStyle.setFont [src]

func setFont(using self, fnt: FontFamily) func setFont(using self, fnt: *Font, style: FontFamilyStyle)

func ThemeStyle.setStyleSheetColors [src]

func setStyleSheetColors(using self, str: string)

func ThemeStyle.setStyleSheetMetrics [src]

func setStyleSheetMetrics(using self, str: string)

struct Gui.ThemeStyleRef [src]

theme *Theme
count u32

struct Gui.Timer [src]

timeMs s32
target *Wnd
stopwatch Core.Time.Stopwatch
toDelete bool



func Timer.restart [src]

func restart(using self)

struct Gui.TimerEvent [src]

using base Event
timer *Timer

struct Gui.ToggleButton [src]

using button Button
isToggled bool
sigChanged func(*ToggleButton)
aniBk BlendColor
aniBorder BlendColor
aniMark BlendColor



func IWnd.onMouseEvent [src]

func onMouseEvent(using self, evt: *MouseEvent)

func IWnd.onPaintEvent [src]

func onPaintEvent(using self, evt: *PaintEvent)

func ToggleButton.create [src]

func create(parent: *Wnd, position: Math.Rectangle = {}, id: WndId = null)->*ToggleButton

namespace Gui.ToolTip


hide Hide the current tooltip, if visible.
show Show a tooltip.

func ToolTip.hide [src]

Hide the current tooltip, if visible.

func hide()

func ToolTip.show [src]

Show a tooltip.

func show(owner: *Wnd, surfacePos: Math.Point, str: string, delay: Time.Duration = 500'ms)

struct Gui.Wnd [src]

itf IWnd
type const *Swag.TypeInfo
surface *Surface
style ThemeStyle
wndFlags WndFlags
userData *void
position Core.Math.Rectangle
minSize Core.Math.Point
maxSize Core.Math.Point
scrollPos Core.Math.Point
invalidatePadding Core.Math.Vector4
parent *Wnd
owner *Wnd
childs Core.Array'(*Gui.Wnd)
name Pixel.RichString
id WndId
cursor Cursor
toolTip Core.String
keyShortcuts Core.Array'(Gui.KeyShortcut)
actions Core.Array'(Gui.IActionUI)
margin Core.Math.Vector4
padding Core.Math.Vector4
dockStyle DockStyle
anchorStyle AnchorStyle
focusStrategy FocusStategy
backgroundStyle BackgroundStyle
isAllocated bool
isPendingDestroy bool
createEventDone bool
hookOnEvent HookEvent Will be called before processing the event of the window.
hookOnChildEvent HookEvent Will be called before processing whatever event of a child window.


applyLayout(self) Apply the current layout (childs constraints).
applyLayout(self, const &Point)
bringToFront Force the window to be the first painted (before all siblings).
bringToTop Force the window to be the last painted (on top of siblings).
create(*Wnd, WndId, HookEvent)
create(*Wnd, const &Rectangle, WndId, HookEvent)
create(*Wnd, string, const &Rectangle, WndId, HookEvent)
destroy Destroy the window.
destroyNow Destroy the window.
disable Disable the window.
enable Enable/Disable the window.
fitPosInParent Be sure rect is fully inside the parent rectangle (if possible).
getChildById Retrieve the child with the given id.
getClientRect Returns the client area.
getClientRectPadding Returns the client area, with padding applied.
getFocus Get the window with the keyboard focus.
getKeyShortcut Get the id associated with a shortcut. null if none.
getKeyShortcutNameFor Get the name associated with a given id shortcut.
getOwner Get the owner of the window.
getParentById Retrieve the parent with the given id.
getRectIn Get the wnd position relative to a given parent.
getSurfaceRect Get the wnd position in the surface.
getWndAt Get the child window at the given coordinate Coordinate is expressed in the parent system.
hasFocus Returns true if the window has the keyboard focus.
hide Hide the window.
invalidate Force the window to be repainted.
invalidateRect Force o local position to be repainted.
isDisabled Returns true if window, or one of its parent, is disabled.
isEnabled Returns true if window, and all its parents, are enabled.
isEnabledState Returns true if the window has the enabled state.
isHidden Returns true if window, or one of its parent, is hidden.
isOwnerOf Returns true if child is in the owner/child hieararchy of self.
isParentOf Returns true if child is in the child hieararchy of self.
isVisible Returns true if window and all its parents are visible.
isVisibleState Returns true if the window has the visible state.
localToSurface(self, const &Point) Convert a local coordinate to a surface coordinate.
localToSurface(self, const &Rectangle) Convert a local coordinate to a surface coordinate.
move Move the wnd.
notifyEvent Send a notification event.
ownerNotifyEvent Send a notification event.
registerAction Register one new action.
registerKeyShortcut Register a keyboard shortcut.
resize Resize the wnd.
screenToSurface Convert a screen coordinate to a surface coordinate (relative to my surface).
sendCommandEvent Send the command event with the given id to the window.
sendComputeCommandStateEvent Send the command state event with the given id to the window.
setAllMargins(self, const &Vector4)
setAllMargins(self, f32)
setAllPaddings(self, const &Vector4)
setAllPaddings(self, f32)
setFocus Set the keyboard focus.
setMargin Set margin for childs If a value is Swag.F32.Inf, then it won't be changed.
setPadding Set padding for childs If a value is Swag.F32.Inf, then it won't be changed.
setParent Set window parent.
setPosition(self, const &Rectangle, bool) Move and size the wnd.
setPosition(self, f32, f32, f32, f32, bool) Move and size the wnd.
show Show the window.
surfaceToLocal Convert a surface coordinate to a local coordinate (relative to me).
updateCommandState Main function to update command state of various windows/widgets.

func IWnd.onApplyStateEvent [src]

func onApplyStateEvent(using self, evt: *CommandStateEvent)

func IWnd.onCommandEvent [src]

func onCommandEvent(using self, evt: *CommandEvent)

func IWnd.onComputeStateEvent [src]

func onComputeStateEvent(using self, evt: *CommandStateEvent)

func IWnd.onCreateEvent [src]

func onCreateEvent(using self, evt: *CreateEvent)

func IWnd.onDestroyEvent [src]

func onDestroyEvent(using self, evt: *DestroyEvent)

func IWnd.onEvent [src]

func onEvent(using self, evt: *Event)

func IWnd.onFocusEvent [src]

func onFocusEvent(using self, evt: *FocusEvent)

func IWnd.onFrameEvent [src]

func onFrameEvent(using self, evt: *FrameEvent)

func IWnd.onHookEvent [src]

func onHookEvent(using self, evt: *Event)

func IWnd.onKeyEvent [src]

func onKeyEvent(using self, evt: *KeyEvent)

func IWnd.onMouseEvent [src]

func onMouseEvent(using self, evt: *MouseEvent)

func IWnd.onNotifyEvent [src]

func onNotifyEvent(using self, evt: *NotifyEvent)

func IWnd.onPaintEvent [src]

func onPaintEvent(using self, evt: *PaintEvent)

func IWnd.onPostPaintEvent [src]

func onPostPaintEvent(using self, evt: *PaintEvent)

func IWnd.onPrePaintEvent [src]

func onPrePaintEvent(using self, evt: *PaintEvent)

func IWnd.onResizeEvent [src]

func onResizeEvent(using self, evt: *ResizeEvent)

func IWnd.onSerializeStateEvent [src]

func onSerializeStateEvent(using self, evt: *SerializeStateEvent)

func IWnd.onSetThemeEvent [src]

func onSetThemeEvent(using self, evt: *SetThemeEvent)

func IWnd.onStateEvent [src]

func onStateEvent(using self, evt: *StateEvent)

func IWnd.onSysCommandEvent [src]

func onSysCommandEvent(using self, evt: *SysCommandEvent)

func IWnd.onSysUserEvent [src]

func onSysUserEvent(using self, evt: *SysUserEvent)

func IWnd.onTimerEvent [src]

func onTimerEvent(using self, evt: *TimerEvent)

func Wnd.applyLayout [src]

Apply the current layout (childs constraints).

func applyLayout(using self) func applyLayout(using self, oldSize: Math.Point)

func Wnd.bringToFront [src]

Force the window to be the first painted (before all siblings).

func bringToFront(using self)

func Wnd.bringToTop [src]

Force the window to be the last painted (on top of siblings).

func bringToTop(using self)

func Wnd.captureMouse [src]

func captureMouse(using self)

func Wnd.computeStyle [src]

func computeStyle(using self)

func Wnd.create [src]

func(T) create(parent: *Wnd = null, id: WndId = null, hook: HookEvent = null)->*T func(T) create(parent: *Wnd, position: Math.Rectangle, id: WndId = null, hook: HookEvent = null)->*T func(T) create(parent: *Wnd, name: string, position: Math.Rectangle, id: WndId = null, hook: HookEvent = null)->*T

func Wnd.destroy [src]

Destroy the window.

func destroy(using self)

func Wnd.destroyNow [src]

Destroy the window.

func destroyNow(using self)

func Wnd.disable [src]

Disable the window.

func disable(using self)

func Wnd.enable [src]

Enable/Disable the window.

func enable(using self, state = true)

func Wnd.fitPosInParent [src]

Be sure rect is fully inside the parent rectangle (if possible).

func fitPosInParent(using self, marginW, marginH: f32 = 0, simX, simY = false)

func Wnd.getApp [src]

func getApp(using self)->*Application

func Wnd.getChildById [src]

Retrieve the child with the given id.

func getChildById(using self, childId: string)->*Wnd

func Wnd.getClientRect [src]

Returns the client area.

func getClientRect(using self)->Core.Math.Rectangle

func Wnd.getClientRectPadding [src]

Returns the client area, with padding applied.

func getClientRectPadding(using self)->Core.Math.Rectangle

func Wnd.getFocus [src]

Get the window with the keyboard focus.

func getFocus(using self)->*Wnd

func Wnd.getFont [src]

func getFont(using self)->Pixel.FontFamily

func Wnd.getKeyShortcut [src]

Get the id associated with a shortcut. null if none.

func getKeyShortcut(using self, mdf: Input.KeyModifiers, key: Input.Key)->WndId

func Wnd.getKeyShortcutNameFor [src]

Get the name associated with a given id shortcut.

func getKeyShortcutNameFor(using self, wndId: WndId)->Core.String

func Wnd.getMouseCapture [src]

func getMouseCapture(using self)->*Wnd

func Wnd.getOwner [src]

Get the owner of the window.

func getOwner(using self)->*Wnd

func Wnd.getParentById [src]

Retrieve the parent with the given id.

func getParentById(using self, parentId: string)->*Wnd

func Wnd.getRectIn [src]

Get the wnd position relative to a given parent.

func getRectIn(using self, wnd: *Wnd)->Core.Math.Rectangle

func Wnd.getSurfaceRect [src]

Get the wnd position in the surface.

func getSurfaceRect(using self)->Core.Math.Rectangle

func Wnd.getTheme [src]

func getTheme(using self)->*Theme

func Wnd.getThemeColors [src]

func getThemeColors(using self)->*ThemeColors

func Wnd.getThemeMetrics [src]

func getThemeMetrics(using self)->*ThemeMetrics

func Wnd.getThemeRects [src]

func getThemeRects(using self)->*ThemeImageRects

func Wnd.getTiming [src]

func getTiming(using self)->*Core.Time.FrameTiming

func Wnd.getTopView [src]

func getTopView(using self)->*Wnd

func Wnd.getTopWnd [src]

func getTopWnd(using self)->*SurfaceWnd

func Wnd.getWndAt [src]

Get the child window at the given coordinate Coordinate is expressed in the parent system.

func getWndAt(using self, x, y: f32, getDisabled, getHidden = false)->*Wnd

func Wnd.hasFocus [src]

Returns true if the window has the keyboard focus.

func hasFocus(using self)->bool

func Wnd.hide [src]

Hide the window.

func hide(using self)

func Wnd.invalidate [src]

Force the window to be repainted.

func invalidate(using self)

func Wnd.invalidateRect [src]

Force o local position to be repainted.

func invalidateRect(using self, rect: Math.Rectangle)

func Wnd.isDisabled [src]

Returns true if window, or one of its parent, is disabled.

func isDisabled(using self)->bool

func Wnd.isEnabled [src]

Returns true if window, and all its parents, are enabled.

func isEnabled(using self, onlyMe = false)->bool

func Wnd.isEnabledState [src]

Returns true if the window has the enabled state.

func isEnabledState(using self)->bool

Will return true even if one of the parent is hidden.

func Wnd.isHidden [src]

Returns true if window, or one of its parent, is hidden.

func isHidden(using self)->bool

func Wnd.isOwnerOf [src]

Returns true if child is in the owner/child hieararchy of self.

func isOwnerOf(using self, child: *Wnd)->bool

func Wnd.isParentOf [src]

Returns true if child is in the child hieararchy of self.

func isParentOf(using self, child: *Wnd)->bool

func Wnd.isVisible [src]

Returns true if window and all its parents are visible.

func isVisible(using self, onlyMe = false)->bool

func Wnd.isVisibleState [src]

Returns true if the window has the visible state.

func isVisibleState(using self)->bool

Will return true even if one of the parent is hidden.

func Wnd.localToSurface [src]

Convert a local coordinate to a surface coordinate.

func localToSurface(using self, pos: Math.Point)->Core.Math.Point func localToSurface(using self, pos: Math.Rectangle)->Core.Math.Rectangle

func Wnd.move [src]

Move the wnd.

func move(using self, x, y: f32)

func Wnd.notifyEvent [src]

Send a notification event.

func notifyEvent(using self, kind: NotifyEvent.Kind)

func Wnd.ownerNotifyEvent [src]

Send a notification event.

func ownerNotifyEvent(using self, kind: NotifyEvent.Kind)

func Wnd.paint [src]

func paint(using self, bc: *PaintContext)

func Wnd.postCommandEvent [src]

func postCommandEvent(using self, cmdId: WndId)

func Wnd.postEvent [src]

func postEvent(using self, evt: *Event)

func Wnd.postInvalidateEvent [src]

func postInvalidateEvent(using self)

func Wnd.postQuitEvent [src]

func postQuitEvent(using self)

func Wnd.postResizeEvent [src]

func postResizeEvent(using self)

func Wnd.processEvent [src]

func processEvent(using self, evt: *Event)

func Wnd.registerAction [src]

Register one new action.

func(T) registerAction(using self)

func Wnd.registerKeyShortcut [src]

Register a keyboard shortcut.

func registerKeyShortcut(using self, mdf: Input.KeyModifiers, key: Input.Key, wndId: WndId)

func Wnd.releaseMouse [src]

func releaseMouse(using self)

func Wnd.resize [src]

Resize the wnd.

func resize(using self, width, height: f32, computeLayout = true)

func Wnd.screenToSurface [src]

Convert a screen coordinate to a surface coordinate (relative to my surface).

func screenToSurface(using self, pos: Math.Point)->Core.Math.Point

func Wnd.sendCommandEvent [src]

Send the command event with the given id to the window.

func sendCommandEvent(using self, cmdId: WndId)

The command will be updated first, and if it is not disabled, it will be sent.

func Wnd.sendComputeCommandStateEvent [src]

Send the command state event with the given id to the window.

func sendComputeCommandStateEvent(using self, cmdId: WndId)->CommandStateEvent

Returns the updated command state.

func Wnd.sendCreateEvent [src]

func sendCreateEvent(using self)

func Wnd.sendEvent [src]

func sendEvent(using self, evt: *Event)

func Wnd.sendResizeEvent [src]

func sendResizeEvent(using self)

func Wnd.sendStateEvent [src]

func sendStateEvent(using self, kind: EventKind)

func Wnd.serializeState [src]

func serializeState(using self, ser: *Serialization.Serializer) throw

func Wnd.setAllMargins [src]

func setAllMargins(using self, value: f32) func setAllMargins(using self, value: Math.Vector4)

func Wnd.setAllPaddings [src]

func setAllPaddings(using self, value: f32) func setAllPaddings(using self, value: Math.Vector4)

func Wnd.setFocus [src]

Set the keyboard focus.

func setFocus(using self)

func Wnd.setMargin [src]

Set margin for childs If a value is Swag.F32.Inf, then it won't be changed.

func setMargin(using self, left, top, right, bottom: f32 = Swag.F32.Inf)

func Wnd.setPadding [src]

Set padding for childs If a value is Swag.F32.Inf, then it won't be changed.

func setPadding(using self, left, top, right, bottom: f32 = Swag.F32.Inf)

func Wnd.setParent [src]

Set window parent.

func setParent(using self, who: *Wnd)

func Wnd.setPosition [src]

Move and size the wnd.

func setPosition(using self, rect: Math.Rectangle, computeLayout = true) func setPosition(using self, x, y, w, h: f32, computeLayout = true)

func Wnd.show [src]

Show the window.

func show(using self, b = true)

func Wnd.surfaceToLocal [src]

Convert a surface coordinate to a local coordinate (relative to me).

func surfaceToLocal(using self, pos: Math.Point)->Core.Math.Point

func Wnd.updateCommandState [src]

Main function to update command state of various windows/widgets.

func updateCommandState(using self)

This will update the state of this window, and all of its childs

enum Gui.WndFlags [src]


struct Gui.WrapLayoutCtrl [src]

using wnd Wnd
spacing f32
wrapWidth f32
wrapHeight f32
resultHeight f32


computeLayout Recompute layout of all childs.
create Create a layout control.

func IWnd.onResizeEvent [src]

func onResizeEvent(using self, evt: *ResizeEvent)

func WrapLayoutCtrl.computeLayout [src]

Recompute layout of all childs.

func computeLayout(using self)

func WrapLayoutCtrl.create [src]

Create a layout control.

func create(parent: *Wnd, position: Math.Rectangle = {})->*WrapLayoutCtrl
Generated on 08-09-2024 with swag 0.40.0