const Bmp.Constants | [src] |
BI_BITFIELDS | s32 | |
BI_RGB | s32 | |
BI_RLE4 | s32 | |
BI_RLE8 | s32 | |
ClipperScaleCoords | f64 | |
InvalidRenderTargetHandle | RenderTargetHandle | |
InvalidRenderTargetSurfaceHandle | RenderTargetSurfaceHandle | |
InvalidShaderHandle | ShaderHandle | |
InvalidShaderParamHandle | ShaderParamHandle | |
InvalidTextureHandle | TextureHandle | |
MaxAAEdge | s32 |
type alias Clipper.Type Aliases | [src] |
CInt | Clipper.CInt | |
RenderTargetHandle | RenderTargetHandle | |
RenderTargetSurfaceHandle | RenderTargetSurfaceHandle | |
ShaderHandle | ShaderHandle | |
ShaderParamHandle | ShaderParamHandle | |
TextureHandle | TextureHandle |
enum Pixel.Argb | [src] |
AliceBlue | |
AntiqueWhite | |
Aqua | |
Aquamarine | |
Azure | |
Beige | |
Bisque | |
Black | |
BlanchedAlmond | |
Blue | |
BlueViolet | |
Brown | |
BurlyWood | |
CadetBlue | |
Chartreuse | |
Chocolate | |
Coral | |
CornflowerBlue | |
Cornsilk | |
Crimson | |
Cyan | |
DarkBlue | |
DarkCyan | |
DarkGoldenrod | |
DarkGray | |
DarkGreen | |
DarkKhaki | |
DarkMagenta | |
DarkOliveGreen | |
DarkOrange | |
DarkOrchid | |
DarkRed | |
DarkSalmon | |
DarkSeaGreen | |
DarkSlateBlue | |
DarkSlateGray | |
DarkTurquoise | |
DarkViolet | |
DeepPink | |
DeepSkyBlue | |
DimGray | |
DodgerBlue | |
Firebrick | |
FloralWhite | |
ForestGreen | |
Fuchsia | |
Gainsboro | |
GhostWhite | |
Gold | |
Goldenrod | |
Gray | |
Green | |
GreenYellow | |
Honeydew | |
HotPink | |
IndianRed | |
Indigo | |
Ivory | |
Khaki | |
Lavender | |
LavenderBlush | |
LawnGreen | |
LemonChiffon | |
LightBlue | |
LightCoral | |
LightCyan | |
LightGoldenrodYellow | |
LightGray | |
LightGreen | |
LightPink | |
LightSalmon | |
LightSeaGreen | |
LightSkyBlue | |
LightSlateGray | |
LightSteelBlue | |
LightYellow | |
Lime | |
LimeGreen | |
Linen | |
Magenta | |
Maroon | |
MediumAquamarine | |
MediumBlue | |
MediumOrchid | |
MediumPurple | |
MediumSeaGreen | |
MediumSlateBlue | |
MediumSpringGreen | |
MediumTurquoise | |
MediumVioletRed | |
MidnightBlue | |
MintCream | |
MistyRose | |
Moccasin | |
NavajoWhite | |
Navy | |
OldLace | |
Olive | |
OliveDrab | |
Orange | |
OrangeRed | |
Orchid | |
PaleGoldenrod | |
PaleGreen | |
PaleTurquoise | |
PaleVioletRed | |
PapayaWhip | |
PeachPuff | |
Peru | |
Pink | |
Plum | |
PowderBlue | |
Purple | |
Red | |
RosyBrown | |
RoyalBlue | |
SaddleBrown | |
Salmon | |
SandyBrown | |
SeaGreen | |
SeaShell | |
Sienna | |
Silver | |
SkyBlue | |
SlateBlue | |
SlateGray | |
Snow | |
SpringGreen | |
SteelBlue | |
Tan | |
Teal | |
Thistle | |
Tomato | |
Turquoise | |
Violet | |
Wheat | |
White | |
WhiteSmoke | |
Yellow | |
YellowGreen | |
Zero |
func Argb.fromName | [src] |
Get the Argb value that matches name.
enum Pixel.BlendingMode | [src] |
Copy | |
Alpha | |
Add | |
Sub | |
SubDst | |
Min | |
Max |
namespace Pixel.Bmp |
Decoder | |
Encoder | |
Header |
struct Bmp.Decoder | [src] |
func IImageDecoder.canDecode | [src] |
func IImageDecoder.decode | [src] |
struct Bmp.Encoder | [src] |
func IImageEncoder.canEncode | [src] |
func IImageEncoder.encode | [src] |
struct Bmp.Header | [src] |
biSize | u32 | |
biWidth | s32 | |
biHeight | s32 | |
biPlanes | u16 | |
biBitCount | u16 | |
biCompression | u32 | |
biSizeImage | u32 | |
biXPelsPerMeter | u32 | |
biYPelsPerMeter | u32 | |
biClrUsed | u32 | |
biClrImportant | u32 |
enum Pixel.BorderPos | [src] |
None | |
Inside |
struct Pixel.Brush | [src] |
color | Color | |
type | BrushType | |
hatch | HatchStyle | |
texture | Texture | |
uvMode | UVMode | |
uvRect | Core.Math.Rectangle |
createHatch | Returns a hatch brush. |
createSolid | Returns a solid color brush. |
createTexture | Returns a full texture brush. |
createTiled | Returns a tiled texture brush. |
func Brush.createHatch | [src] |
Returns a hatch brush.
func Brush.createSolid | [src] |
Returns a solid color brush.
func Brush.createTexture | [src] |
Returns a full texture brush.
func Brush.createTiled | [src] |
Returns a tiled texture brush.
enum Pixel.BrushType | [src] |
SolidColor | |
Texture | |
Hatch |
namespace Pixel.Clipper |
IntPoint | |
Transform |
ClipType | |
InitOptions | |
JoinType | |
PolyFillType | |
PolyType |
enum Clipper.ClipType | [src] |
Intersection | |
Union | |
Difference | |
Xor |
enum Clipper.InitOptions | [src] |
ReverseSolution | |
StrictlySimple | |
PreserveCollinear |
struct Clipper.IntPoint | [src] |
x | Clipper.CInt | |
y | Clipper.CInt |
enum Clipper.JoinType | [src] |
Square | |
Round | |
Miter |
enum Clipper.PolyFillType | [src] |
EvenOdd | |
NonZero | |
Positive | |
Negative |
enum Clipper.PolyType | [src] |
Subject | |
Clip |
struct Clipper.Transform | [src] |
opDrop |
func Transform.opDrop | [src] |
enum Pixel.ClippingMode | [src] |
Set | |
Clear |
struct Pixel.Color | [src] |
a | u8 | |
r | u8 | |
g | u8 | |
b | u8 | |
argb | u32 |
fromAbgr | Create a new Color with specified values. |
fromArgb(Argb) | Create a new Color with specified values. |
fromArgb(u32) | Create a new Color with specified values. |
fromArgb(u8, Argb) | Create a new Color with specified values. |
fromArgb(u8, u8, u8, u8) | Create a new Color with specified values. |
fromArgbf | Create a new Color with specified values. |
fromHsl | Create a new Color with specified values. |
fromRgb | Create a new Color with specified values. |
fromRgbf | Create a new Color with specified values. |
fromVector4 | Create a new Color with specified values. |
getBlend | Blend two colors. |
getBlendKeepAlpha | Blend two colors, keeping the alpha channel of col0 untouched. |
getDarker | Returns a darker color. |
getDistanceRgb | Returns the distance between the other color. |
getLighter | Returns a lighter color. |
isOpaque | |
setArgb | Set all components. |
setArgbf | Set all components with floats in the range [0 1]. |
setHsl | Initialize color with hue, saturation, lightness. |
setRgb(self, const &Color) | Just set r, g and b components. |
setRgb(self, u8, u8, u8) | Just set r, g and b components. |
setRgbf | Set r,g,b with floats in the range [0 1]. |
toArgbf | Retrieve all components as floating point values between 0 and 1. |
toHsl | Returns hue, saturation, lightness. |
toRgbf | Retrieve all components as floating point values between 0 and 1. |
toVector4 | Get the color as a [Math.Vector4]. |
opAffect(self, Argb) | |
opAffect(self, string) | |
opAffect(self, u32) | |
opEquals(self, Argb) | |
opEquals(self, const &Color) | |
opEquals(self, u32) |
func IPokeValue.poke | [src] |
func Color.fromAbgr | [src] |
Create a new Color with specified values.
func Color.fromArgb | [src] |
Create a new Color with specified values.
func Color.fromArgbf | [src] |
Create a new Color with specified values.
func Color.fromHsl | [src] |
Create a new Color with specified values.
func Color.fromRgb | [src] |
Create a new Color with specified values.
func Color.fromRgbf | [src] |
Create a new Color with specified values.
func Color.fromVector4 | [src] |
Create a new Color with specified values.
func Color.getBlend | [src] |
Blend two colors.
func Color.getBlendKeepAlpha | [src] |
Blend two colors, keeping the alpha channel of col0 untouched.
func Color.getDarker | [src] |
Returns a darker color.
func Color.getDistanceRgb | [src] |
Returns the distance between the other color.
func Color.getLighter | [src] |
Returns a lighter color.
func Color.isOpaque | [src] |
func Color.opAffect | [src] |
func Color.opEquals | [src] |
func Color.setArgb | [src] |
Set all components.
func Color.setArgbf | [src] |
Set all components with floats in the range [0 1].
func Color.setHsl | [src] |
Initialize color with hue, saturation, lightness.
func Color.setRgb | [src] |
Just set r, g and b components.
Alpha will be opaque.
Just set r, g and b components.
Alpha will be opaque.
func Color.setRgbf | [src] |
Set r,g,b with floats in the range [0 1].
Alpha will be opaque.
func Color.toArgbf | [src] |
Retrieve all components as floating point values between 0 and 1.
func Color.toHsl | [src] |
Returns hue, saturation, lightness.
func Color.toRgbf | [src] |
Retrieve all components as floating point values between 0 and 1.
func Color.toVector4 | [src] |
Get the color as a [Math.Vector4].
struct Pixel.ColorMask | [src] |
r | bool | |
g | bool | |
b | bool | |
a | bool |
struct Pixel.Command | [src] |
id | CommandId | |
using params | {clear:{color:Color},drawTriangles:{start:u32,count:u32},transform:{tr:Core.Math.Transform2},clippingRect:{rect:Core.Math.Rectangle},clippingRegion:{mode:ClippingMode},font:{fontRef:*Font},blendingMode:{mode:BlendingMode},textureFont:{font:*Font,atlasIndex:s32},colorMask:ColorMask,renderTgt:{tgt:*RenderTarget,paintAlpha:bool},shader:{shader:*ShaderBase},shaderParam:{param:ShaderParamHandle,type:const *Swag.TypeInfo,_f32:f32,_s32:s32},texture0:{boundRect:Core.Math.Vector4,textureRect:Core.Math.Vector4,type:BrushType,hatch:HatchStyle,uvMode:UVMode,interpolationMode:InterpolationMode,texture:Texture}} |
enum Pixel.CommandId | [src] |
Clear | |
ColorMask | |
Transform | |
DrawTriangles | |
BindTexture0 | |
ResetTexture0 | |
StartFont | |
EndFont | |
BindTextureFont | |
ResetTextureFont | |
SetClippingRect | |
ResetClippingRect | |
StartClippingRegion | |
EndClippingRegion | |
ResetClippingRegion | |
SetClippingRegionMode | |
UpdateFont | |
StartNoOverlap | |
StopNoOverlap | |
SetBlendingMode | |
BindRenderTarget | |
UnbindRenderTarget | |
ReleaseRenderTarget | |
SetShader | |
SetShaderParam |
enum Pixel.DashCapStyle | [src] |
None | |
Triangle | |
Round | |
Square |
enum Pixel.DashStyle | [src] |
None | |
Pattern | |
Dot | |
Dash | |
DashDot |
struct Pixel.DecodeOptions | [src] |
decodePixels | bool |
enum Pixel.DefaultShaderId | [src] |
Default | |
Blur |
enum Pixel.DrawPathListMode | [src] |
Separate | |
Merge |
struct Pixel.Element | [src] |
type | ElementType | |
position | Core.Math.Vector2 | |
p1 | Core.Math.Vector2 | |
p2 | Core.Math.Vector2 |
enum Pixel.ElementType | [src] |
Line | |
Arc | |
Bezier1 | |
Bezier2 | |
Curve |
struct Pixel.Font | [src] |
ascent | f32 | |
descent | f32 | |
height | f32 | |
underlinePos | f32 | |
underlineSize | f32 | |
forceBold | bool | |
forceItalic | bool | |
fullname | Core.String | |
typeFace | *TypeFace | |
size | u32 | |
atlases | Core.Array'(Pixel.GlyphAtlas) | |
asciiRef | [128] GlyphDesc | |
unicodeRef | Core.HashTable'(rune, *Pixel.GlyphDesc) | |
dirty | bool |
create(*TypeFace, u32, bool, bool) | Creates a new Font of the given typeface and size. |
create(string, u32, bool, bool) | Creates a new Font with the given filename and size. |
getGlyphDesc | Returns the glyph descriptor of a given rune. |
release | Release the given font. |
opDrop |
func Font.create | [src] |
Creates a new Font of the given typeface and size.
Creates a new Font with the given filename and size.
func Font.getGlyphDesc | [src] |
Returns the glyph descriptor of a given rune.
func Font.opDrop | [src] |
func Font.release | [src] |
Release the given font.
struct Pixel.FontFamily | [src] |
regular | *Font | |
bold | *Font | |
italic | *Font | |
boldItalic | *Font |
createTypeFace | Creates a typeface from a FontFamilyEnumerate and FontFamilyStyle. |
enumerateFromOs | Enumerate the font families available in the os. |
getFont | Get the font corresponding to the style. |
getFromOs | Get a FontFamilyEnumerate from a font family name. |
setFont | Set the font corresponding to a given style. |
func FontFamily.createTypeFace | [src] |
Creates a typeface from a FontFamilyEnumerate and FontFamilyStyle.
func FontFamily.enumerateFromOs | [src] |
Enumerate the font families available in the os.
func FontFamily.getFont | [src] |
Get the font corresponding to the style.
If not evailable, get another one.
func FontFamily.getFromOs | [src] |
Get a FontFamilyEnumerate from a font family name.
func FontFamily.setFont | [src] |
Set the font corresponding to a given style.
struct Pixel.FontFamilyEnumerate | [src] |
name | Core.String | |
faces | [4] FontFamilyStyleEnumerate |
enum Pixel.FontFamilyStyle | [src] |
Regular | |
Bold | |
Italic | |
BoldItalic |
struct Pixel.FontFamilyStyleEnumerate | [src] |
name | Core.String | |
face | Gdi32.LOGFONTW |
namespace Pixel.Gif |
Decoder |
struct Gif.Decoder | [src] |
getFrame | Create an image for the current frame. |
getNumFrames | Returns the number of frames As Gif does not store it, we need to go threw all images (!). |
init | Initialize the decoder. |
nextFrame | Get the next frame. Returns false if we have reached the end. |
rewind | Restart at frame 0. |
func IImageDecoder.canDecode | [src] |
func IImageDecoder.decode | [src] |
func Decoder.getFrame | [src] |
Create an image for the current frame.
func Decoder.getNumFrames | [src] |
Returns the number of frames As Gif does not store it, we need to go threw all images (!).
func Decoder.init | [src] |
Initialize the decoder.
func Decoder.nextFrame | [src] |
Get the next frame. Returns false if we have reached the end.
func Decoder.rewind | [src] |
Restart at frame 0.
struct Pixel.GlyphAtlas | [src] |
texture | Texture | |
width | u32 | |
height | u32 | |
bpp | u32 | |
datas | Core.Array'(u8) | |
dirty | bool | |
curX | s32 | |
curY | s32 | |
nextY | s32 |
struct Pixel.GlyphDesc | [src] |
uv | Core.Math.Rectangle | |
atlasIndex | s32 | |
advanceX | f32 | |
advanceY | f32 | |
shiftX | f32 | |
shiftY | f32 | |
width | f32 | |
height | f32 |
enum Pixel.HatchStyle | [src] |
Dot | |
Horizontal | |
HorizontalLight | |
HorizontalNarrow | |
Vertical | |
VerticalLight | |
VerticalNarrow | |
SolidDiamond | |
OutlinedDiamond | |
HorizontalDark | |
VerticalDark | |
Grid | |
GridLarge | |
GridDotted | |
Cross | |
CrossLarge | |
Percent5 | |
Percent10 | |
Percent20 | |
Percent25 | |
Percent30 | |
Percent40 | |
Percent50 | |
Percent60 | |
Percent70 | |
Percent75 | |
Percent80 | |
Percent90 | |
CheckBoard | |
CheckBoardLarge | |
Weave | |
DiagonalForward | |
DiagonalForwardLight | |
DiagonalBackward | |
DiagonalBackwardLight | |
DiagonalCross |
interface Pixel.IImageDecoder | [src] |
Interface to decode a buffer.
canDecode | func(*IImageDecoder, string)->bool | |
decode | func(*IImageDecoder, const [..] u8, DecodeOptions)->Image throw |
interface Pixel.IImageEncoder | [src] |
Interface to decode a buffer.
canEncode | func(*IImageEncoder, string)->bool | |
encode | func(*IImageEncoder, *Core.ConcatBuffer, Image, any) throw |
struct Pixel.Image | [src] |
An image buffer, in various pixel formats.
pixels | Core.Array'(u8) | All the pixels. |
size | u64 | Size in bytes. |
width | s32 | The width of the image. |
height | s32 | The height of the image. |
width8 | s32 | The width, in bytes. |
pf | PixelFormat | Format of one pixel. |
bpp | u8 | Bits per pixel. |
bpp8 | u8 | Bytes per pixel. |
workingBuffer | *Image | Temporary buffer for filters and transformations. |
addDecoder | Register an image decoder. |
addEncoder | Register an image encoder. |
allocPixels | Allocate pixels. |
allocWorkingBuffer(self) | Allocate a computing buffer with current image size. |
allocWorkingBuffer(self, s32, s32, PixelFormat) | Allocate a computing buffer with new sizes. |
applyKernel | Apply a kernel to the image. |
applyWorkingBuffer | Replace the current image content with the working buffer. |
canLoad | Returns true if the given filename has a corresponding decoder. |
canSave | Returns true if the given filename has a corresponding encoder. |
clear | Clear the content of the image. |
colorize | Colorize the image by setting the hue and saturation. |
contrast | Change the contrast. factor is [-1, 1]. |
copyPixel | Copy one pixel, depending on bpp. |
create | Creates a new image. |
crop(self, const &Rectangle) | |
crop(self, s32, s32, s32, s32) | Crop image. |
decode | Decode the given image buffer. |
fade | Fade to a given color. factor is [0, 1]. |
fill | Fill image with color. |
fillGradient2 | Fill with an horizontal gradient from color0 to color1. |
fillGradient4 | Fill with a gradient with a different color at each corner. |
fillHsl | |
flip | Flip image vertically. |
freeWorkingBuffer | Free the working buffer if allocated. |
from(HBITMAP) | Creates an image from a windows HBITMAP. |
from(HICON) | Creates an image from a windows HICON. |
gamma | Change the gamma. |
getPixelColor | Returns the color at the given coordinate. |
grayScale | Transform image to grayscale, with a given factor. |
halfSize | Divide image size by 2 with a bilinear 2x2 filter. |
init | Initialize image informations pixels is set to null, and must be initialized after a call to that function This gives the opportunity to set the pixels with an external buffer. |
invert | Invert colors. |
isValid | Returns true if the image is valid. |
lightness | Change the lightness. factor is [-1, 1]. |
load | Load the given image file. |
mirror | Flip image horizontally. |
mix | Mix with another image. |
noise | Fill the image with a noise. |
release | Release the content of the image. |
resize | Resize image Put newWidth or newHeight to 0 to keep aspect ratio. |
save | Save the image to a file. |
setAlpha | Change the alpha channel. |
setChannel | Change specified color channels. |
setPixelFormat | Change image pixel format. |
setPixelRGBA8 | Set pixel values depending on pixel format. |
toApplyKernel | Apply a kernel to the image. |
toCrop(self, const &Rectangle) | |
toCrop(self, s32, s32, s32, s32) | Crop image. |
toFlip | Flip image vertically. |
toHICON | Transform an image to a windows icon. |
toHalfSize | Divide image size by 2 with a bilinear 2x2 filter. |
toMirror | Flip image horizontally. |
toMix | Mix with another image. |
toResize | Resize image Put newWidth or newHeight to 0 to keep aspect ratio. |
toSetPixelFormat | Change image pixel format. |
toTurn | Turn image by a given predefined angle. |
turn | Turn image by a given predefined angle. |
visitPixels | Macro to foreach all pixels of the image in parallel chunks. |
opDrop | |
opPostCopy | |
opVisit |
enum Image.ChannelMode | [src] |
Red | |
Green | |
Blue | |
Alpha | |
RGB | |
enum Image.ChannelValueMode | [src] |
Color | |
MinRGB | |
MaxRGB | |
MeanRGB | |
Alpha |
enum Image.FillHslType | [src] |
HueVert | |
HueHorz | |
SaturationVert | |
SaturationHorz | |
LightnessVert | |
LightnessHorz | |
HueSaturation | |
HueLightness | |
SaturationLightness | (h,0,1) (h,1,0.5) (h,0,0) (h,1,0). |
GreenBlue | |
RedBlue | |
RedGreen |
enum Image.Kernel | [src] |
Kernel format is : kernelSize, kernelNormalizeValue, kernelValues...
GaussianBlur3x3A | |
GaussianBlur3x3B | |
GaussianBlur5x5A | |
BoxBlur3x3A | |
BoxBlur5x5A | |
Sharpen3x3A | |
Sharpen3x3B | |
Soften3x3A | |
EmbossLeft3x3A | |
EmbossLeft3x3B | |
EmbossLeft3x3C | |
EmbossRight3x3A | |
EmbossRight3x3B | |
EmbossRight3x3C | |
EdgeDetect3x3A | |
EdgeDetect3x3B | |
EdgeDetect3x3C | |
EdgeDetect3x3D | |
EdgeDetect3x3E | |
EdgeDetect3x3F | |
SobelHorizontal3x3A | |
SobelVertical3x3A | |
PrevitHorizontal3x3A | |
PrevitVertical3x3A |
enum Image.MixMode | [src] |
Copy | |
AlphaBlend |
enum Image.ResizeMode | [src] |
Raw | |
Bilinear | |
Bicubic | |
Gaussian | |
Quadratic | |
Hermite | |
Hamming | |
Catrom |
enum Image.TurnAngle | [src] |
T90 | |
T180 | |
T270 |
func Image.addDecoder | [src] |
Register an image decoder.
func Image.addEncoder | [src] |
Register an image encoder.
func Image.allocPixels | [src] |
Allocate pixels.
func Image.allocWorkingBuffer | [src] |
Allocate a computing buffer with current image size.
Allocate a computing buffer with new sizes.
func Image.applyKernel | [src] |
Apply a kernel to the image.
func Image.applyWorkingBuffer | [src] |
Replace the current image content with the working buffer.
func Image.canLoad | [src] |
Returns true if the given filename has a corresponding decoder.
func Image.canSave | [src] |
Returns true if the given filename has a corresponding encoder.
func Image.clear | [src] |
Clear the content of the image.
func Image.colorize | [src] |
Colorize the image by setting the hue and saturation.
func Image.contrast | [src] |
Change the contrast. factor is [-1, 1].
func Image.copyPixel | [src] |
Copy one pixel, depending on bpp.
func Image.create | [src] |
Creates a new image.
func Image.crop | [src] |
Crop image.
func Image.decode | [src] |
Decode the given image buffer.
func Image.fade | [src] |
Fade to a given color. factor is [0, 1].
func Image.fill | [src] |
Fill image with color.
func Image.fillGradient2 | [src] |
Fill with an horizontal gradient from color0 to color1.
func Image.fillGradient4 | [src] |
Fill with a gradient with a different color at each corner.
func Image.fillHsl | [src] |
func Image.flip | [src] |
Flip image vertically.
func Image.freeWorkingBuffer | [src] |
Free the working buffer if allocated.
func Image.from | [src] |
Creates an image from a windows HICON.
Creates an image from a windows HBITMAP.
func Image.gamma | [src] |
Change the gamma.
func Image.getPixelColor | [src] |
Returns the color at the given coordinate.
func Image.grayScale | [src] |
Transform image to grayscale, with a given factor.
func Image.halfSize | [src] |
Divide image size by 2 with a bilinear 2x2 filter.
func Image.init | [src] |
Initialize image informations pixels is set to null, and must be initialized after a call to that function This gives the opportunity to set the pixels with an external buffer.
func Image.invert | [src] |
Invert colors.
func Image.isValid | [src] |
Returns true if the image is valid.
func Image.lightness | [src] |
Change the lightness. factor is [-1, 1].
func Image.load | [src] |
Load the given image file.
func Image.mirror | [src] |
Flip image horizontally.
func Image.mix | [src] |
Mix with another image.
func Image.noise | [src] |
Fill the image with a noise.
func Image.opDrop | [src] |
func Image.opPostCopy | [src] |
func Image.opVisit | [src] |
func Image.release | [src] |
Release the content of the image.
func Image.resize | [src] |
Resize image Put newWidth or newHeight to 0 to keep aspect ratio.
func | [src] |
Save the image to a file.
func Image.setAlpha | [src] |
Change the alpha channel.
func Image.setChannel | [src] |
Change specified color channels.
func Image.setPixelFormat | [src] |
Change image pixel format.
func Image.setPixelRGBA8 | [src] |
Set pixel values depending on pixel format.
func Image.toApplyKernel | [src] |
Apply a kernel to the image.
func Image.toCrop | [src] |
Crop image.
func Image.toFlip | [src] |
Flip image vertically.
func Image.toHICON | [src] |
Transform an image to a windows icon.
func Image.toHalfSize | [src] |
Divide image size by 2 with a bilinear 2x2 filter.
func Image.toMirror | [src] |
Flip image horizontally.
func Image.toMix | [src] |
Mix with another image.
func Image.toResize | [src] |
Resize image Put newWidth or newHeight to 0 to keep aspect ratio.
func Image.toSetPixelFormat | [src] |
Change image pixel format.
func Image.toTurn | [src] |
Turn image by a given predefined angle.
func Image.turn | [src] |
Turn image by a given predefined angle.
func Image.visitPixels | [src] |
Macro to foreach all pixels of the image in parallel chunks.
Exported variables:
pix | address of the pixel |
image | the processed image |
index | the pixel index |
x | the pixel x coordinates |
y | the pixel y coordinates |
userData | as passed to the macro |
enum Pixel.InterpolationMode | [src] |
Pixel | |
Linear |
enum Pixel.JoinStyle | [src] |
None | |
Bevel | |
Round | |
Miter | |
MiterBevel |
namespace Pixel.Jpg |
Decoder | |
EncodeOptions | |
Encoder |
struct Jpg.Decoder | [src] |
func IImageDecoder.canDecode | [src] |
func IImageDecoder.decode | [src] |
struct Jpg.EncodeOptions | [src] |
quality | u8 | Encoding quality between 1 and 100. |
struct Jpg.Encoder | [src] |
func IImageEncoder.canEncode | [src] |
func IImageEncoder.encode | [src] |
enum Pixel.LineCapStyle | [src] |
None | |
Triangle | |
Round | |
Square | |
ArrowAnchor | |
SquareAnchor | |
RoundAnchor |
struct Pixel.LinePath | [src] |
elements | Core.Array'(Pixel.Element) | |
startPoint | Core.Math.Vector2 | |
endPoint | Core.Math.Vector2 | |
isClosed | bool | |
isDirty | bool | |
serial | s32 | |
flattenQuality | PaintQuality | |
isPolyOnly | bool | |
isFlatten | bool | |
bvMin | Core.Math.Vector2 | |
bvMax | Core.Math.Vector2 | |
endPosBuffer | Core.Math.Vector2 | |
polygon | Polygon | |
triangles | Poly2Tri.Result |
arcTo | Add an arc from the previous point. |
bezierTo(self, f32, f32, f32, f32) | Add a curve from the previous point to pt. |
bezierTo(self, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32) | Add a curve from the previous point to pt. |
clearCache | Clear internal cache. |
close | Close the figure Will add a line or a curve to the first point if necessary. |
curveTo | Add a curve from the previous point to pt. |
flatten | Convert the path to a list of points. |
lineTo | Add a line from the previous point to pt. |
setArc | Initialize the path with an arc. |
setCircle | Initialize the path with a circle. |
setEllipse | Initialize the path with an ellipse. |
setRect | Initialize the path with a rectangle. |
setRoundRect | Initialize the path with a round rectangle. |
start | Reset the path. |
opDrop | |
opPostCopy |
func LinePath.arcTo | [src] |
Add an arc from the previous point.
func LinePath.bezierTo | [src] |
Add a curve from the previous point to pt.
func LinePath.clearCache | [src] |
Clear internal cache.
func LinePath.close | [src] |
Close the figure Will add a line or a curve to the first point if necessary.
func LinePath.curveTo | [src] |
Add a curve from the previous point to pt.
func LinePath.flatten | [src] |
Convert the path to a list of points.
func LinePath.lineTo | [src] |
Add a line from the previous point to pt.
func LinePath.opDrop | [src] |
func LinePath.opPostCopy | [src] |
func LinePath.setArc | [src] |
Initialize the path with an arc.
func LinePath.setCircle | [src] |
Initialize the path with a circle.
func LinePath.setEllipse | [src] |
Initialize the path with an ellipse.
func LinePath.setRect | [src] |
Initialize the path with a rectangle.
func LinePath.setRoundRect | [src] |
Initialize the path with a round rectangle.
func LinePath.start | [src] |
Reset the path.
struct Pixel.LinePathList | [src] |
paths | Core.Array'(*Pixel.LinePath) | |
bvMin | Core.Math.Vector2 | |
bvMax | Core.Math.Vector2 |
clean | Clean all paths They must before be flattened. |
clear | Remove all internal line paths. |
count | |
flatten | Flatten all paths. |
newPath | Returns a new path. |
offset(self, f32) | Call fast offset on all paths They must before be flattened. |
offset(self, f32, JoinStyle, f32) | Call quality offset on all paths They must before be flattened. |
opDrop | |
opPostCopy |
func LinePathList.clean | [src] |
Clean all paths They must before be flattened.
func LinePathList.clear | [src] |
Remove all internal line paths.
func LinePathList.count | [src] |
func LinePathList.flatten | [src] |
Flatten all paths.
func LinePathList.newPath | [src] |
Returns a new path.
func LinePathList.offset | [src] |
Call fast offset on all paths They must before be flattened.
Call quality offset on all paths They must before be flattened.
func LinePathList.opDrop | [src] |
func LinePathList.opPostCopy | [src] |
struct Pixel.NativeRenderOgl | [src] |
createContext(self, HDC, s32, s32, HGLRC) | |
createContext(self, HWND, s32, s32, HGLRC) | |
dropContext | |
setCurrentContext | |
swapBuffers |
func NativeRenderOgl.createContext | [src] |
func NativeRenderOgl.dropContext | [src] |
func NativeRenderOgl.setCurrentContext | [src] |
func NativeRenderOgl.swapBuffers | [src] |
enum Pixel.PaintParams | [src] |
Zero | |
Antialiased | |
Default |
enum Pixel.PaintQuality | [src] |
Draft | |
Normal |
struct Pixel.PaintState | [src] |
paintParams | PaintParams | |
paintQuality | PaintQuality | |
transform | Core.Math.Transform2 | |
blendingMode | BlendingMode | |
interpolationMode | InterpolationMode | |
clippingRect | Core.Math.Rectangle | |
stackClipRect | Core.Array'(Core.Math.Rectangle) | |
clippingRectOn | bool | |
colorMask | ColorMask |
struct Pixel.Painter | [src] |
commandBuffer | Core.Array'(Pixel.Command) | |
vertexBuffer | Core.Array'(Pixel.VertexLayout) | |
triangulateIdx | Core.Array'(s32) | |
fake | bool | |
sharedSolidPen | Pen | |
sharedSolidBrush | Brush | |
sharedLinePath | LinePath | |
sharedLinePathList | LinePathList | |
sharedRoundTmp | Core.Array'({factor:f32,pos:Core.Math.Vector2}) | |
curState | PaintState | |
stackState | Core.Array'(Pixel.PaintState) | |
stackTransform | Core.Array'(Core.Math.Transform2) | |
lastTexture0Type | BrushType | |
tess | Poly2Tri.Tessellate | |
stackRT | Core.Array'(*Pixel.RenderTarget) | |
curRT | *RenderTarget | |
lastTexture0Handle | TextureHandle | |
hasTextureFont | bool | |
drawingBegin | bool | |
overlapMode | bool | |
canSetTexture0 | bool |
addParams | |
begin | Call this before drawing. |
bindRenderTarget | Bind a render target. |
capStyleExtent | Returns the extent in both directions of a given LineCapStyle. |
clear | Clear the rendering surface. |
computeLayout | Recompute the layout for a given rectangle. |
drawArc(self, f32, f32, f32, const &Angle, const &Angle, const &Color, f32) | Draw an arc between two angles. |
drawArc(self, f32, f32, f32, const &Angle, const &Angle, const &Pen) | |
drawCircle(self, f32, f32, f32, const &Color, f32) | Draw an empty circle. |
drawCircle(self, f32, f32, f32, const &Pen) | |
drawEllipse(self, const &Rectangle, const &Color, f32) | |
drawEllipse(self, const &Rectangle, const &Pen) | |
drawEllipse(self, f32, f32, f32, f32, const &Color, f32) | Draw an empty ellipse. |
drawEllipse(self, f32, f32, f32, f32, const &Pen) | |
drawLine(self, const &Vector2, const &Vector2, const &Pen) | Draw a line. |
drawLine(self, f32, f32, f32, f32, const &Color, f32) | |
drawLine(self, f32, f32, f32, f32, const &Pen) | |
drawPath(self, *LinePath, const &Color, f32) | Draw a line path. |
drawPath(self, *LinePath, const &Pen) | |
drawPath(self, *LinePathList, const &Color, f32, DrawPathListMode) | |
drawPath(self, *LinePathList, const &Pen, DrawPathListMode) | Draw a list of paths. |
drawRect(self, const &Rectangle, const &Color, f32) | |
drawRect(self, const &Rectangle, const &Pen) | |
drawRect(self, f32, f32, f32, f32, const &Color, f32) | Draw an empty rectangle. |
drawRect(self, f32, f32, f32, f32, const &Pen) | |
drawRichString | Draw a rich string. |
drawRoundRect(self, const &Rectangle, f32, f32, const &Color, f32) | |
drawRoundRect(self, const &Rectangle, f32, f32, const &Pen) | |
drawRoundRect(self, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, const &Color, f32) | Draw an empty round rectangle. |
drawRoundRect(self, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, const &Pen) | |
drawString(self, f32, f32, string, *Font, const &Brush, UnderlineStyle, f32) | Draw a simple string. |
drawString(self, f32, f32, string, *Font, const &Color, UnderlineStyle, f32) | Draw a simple string. |
drawStringCenter | Draw a simple string (centered). |
drawTexture(self, const &Rectangle, const &Rectangle, const &Texture, const &Color) | |
drawTexture(self, const &Rectangle, const &Texture, const &Color) | |
drawTexture(self, f32, f32, const &Rectangle, const &Texture, const &Color) | |
drawTexture(self, f32, f32, const &Texture, const &Color) | |
drawTexture(self, f32, f32, f32, f32, const &Rectangle, const &Texture, const &Color) | Draw a portion of an image. |
drawTexture(self, f32, f32, f32, f32, const &Texture, const &Color) | Draw a texture image. |
end | Call this after drawing. |
endClippingRegion | Stop painting in the clipping buffer. Back to normal. |
fillCircle(self, f32, f32, f32, const &Brush) | Draw a solid circle. |
fillCircle(self, f32, f32, f32, const &Color) | |
fillEllipse(self, const &Rectangle, const &Brush) | |
fillEllipse(self, const &Rectangle, const &Color) | |
fillEllipse(self, f32, f32, f32, f32, const &Brush) | Draw a solid ellipse. |
fillEllipse(self, f32, f32, f32, f32, const &Color) | |
fillPath(self, *LinePath, const &Brush) | |
fillPath(self, *LinePath, const &Color) | |
fillPath(self, *LinePathList, const &Brush) | Fill a list of paths. |
fillPath(self, *LinePathList, const &Color) | Fill a list of paths. |
fillPolygon(self, *LinePath, const &Brush) | Fill the polygon with the given brush. |
fillPolygon(self, *LinePath, const &Color) | Fill the polygon with the given color. |
fillRect(self, const &Rectangle, const &Brush) | |
fillRect(self, const &Rectangle, const &Color) | |
fillRect(self, f32, f32, f32, f32, const &Brush) | Draw a filled rectangle. |
fillRect(self, f32, f32, f32, f32, const &Color) | |
fillRoundRect(self, const &Rectangle, f32, f32, const &Brush) | |
fillRoundRect(self, const &Rectangle, f32, f32, const &Color) | |
fillRoundRect(self, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, const &Brush) | Draw a filled round rectangle. |
fillRoundRect(self, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, const &Color) | |
getClippingRect | Get the current clipping rectangle. |
getGlyphs(const &Array'(rune), *Font) | Returns all the glyphs for a given string and font. |
getGlyphs(string, *Font) | Returns all the glyphs for a given string and font. |
getParams | |
getQuality | |
getTransform | Returns the current tranformation. |
isEmptyClippingRect | Returns true if the current clipping rectangle is empty (no drawing !). |
measureRune | Get a rune size for a given font. |
measureString(const &Array'(const *GlyphDesc)) | Returns the bounding rectangle of a given text, at a given position. |
measureString(string, *Font) | Returns the metrics of a given text. |
popClippingRect | Restore the original clipping rectangle. |
popState | Restore the last paint state. |
popTransform | Restore the pushed transformation. |
pushClippingRect | Interface the given rectangle with the current clipping rectangle. |
pushClippingSurfaceRect | Interface the given rectangle with the current clipping rectangle. |
pushState | Save the current paint state. |
pushTransform | Push the current transformation. |
releaseRenderTarget | Release the render target. |
removeParams | |
resetClippingRect | Reset the current clipping rectangle. |
resetClippingRegion | Reset clipping buffer to its default value (no more clipping). |
resetState | Reset the current painting state. |
resetTransform | Reset the paint position, rotation, scale. |
rotateTransform(self, const &Angle) | Set the paint rotation. |
rotateTransform(self, const &Angle, f32, f32) | Set the paint rotation. |
rotateTransformInPlace | Set the paint rotation. |
scaleTransform | Set the paint scale. |
setAntialiased | Set antialiased mode on/off. |
setBlendingMode | Set the current blending mode. |
setClippingRect(self, const &Rectangle) | Set the current clipping rectangle. |
setClippingRect(self, f32, f32, f32, f32) | Set the current clipping rectangle. |
setClippingRegionMode | Set the clipping region mode. |
setColorMask(self, bool, bool, bool, bool) | Set color mask. |
setColorMask(self, const &ColorMask) | Set color mask. |
setColorMaskAlpha | |
setColorMaskColor | |
setColorMaskFull | |
setInterpolationMode | Set the texture interpolation mode. |
setParams | Set the paint parameters. |
setQuality | Set the paint quality. |
setShader | Set the current shader. |
setShaderParam(self, ShaderParamHandle, f32) | Set a shader parameter. |
setShaderParam(self, ShaderParamHandle, s32) | Set a shader parameter. |
setState | Set the current painting state. |
setTransform | Set the paint transformation. |
startClippingRegion | Start painting in the clipping buffer. |
translateTransform | Set the paint position. |
unbindRenderTarget | Bind a render target. |
func Painter.addParams | [src] |
func Painter.begin | [src] |
Call this before drawing.
func Painter.bindRenderTarget | [src] |
Bind a render target.
func Painter.capStyleExtent | [src] |
Returns the extent in both directions of a given LineCapStyle.
Returns the width and the length.
func Painter.clear | [src] |
Clear the rendering surface.
func Painter.computeLayout | [src] |
Recompute the layout for a given rectangle.
func Painter.drawArc | [src] |
Draw an arc between two angles.
func Painter.drawCircle | [src] |
Draw an empty circle.
func Painter.drawEllipse | [src] |
Draw an empty ellipse.
func Painter.drawLine | [src] |
Draw a line.
func Painter.drawPath | [src] |
Draw a line path.
Draw a list of paths.
func Painter.drawRect | [src] |
Draw an empty rectangle.
func Painter.drawRichString | [src] |
Draw a rich string.
A rich string can be multiline, and accepts internal formats. The layout will be computed at the first call, and each time pos has changed.
func Painter.drawRoundRect | [src] |
Draw an empty round rectangle.
func Painter.drawString | [src] |
Draw a simple string.
func Painter.drawStringCenter | [src] |
Draw a simple string (centered).
func Painter.drawTexture | [src] |
Draw a texture image.
Draw a portion of an image.
func Painter.end | [src] |
Call this after drawing.
func Painter.endClippingRegion | [src] |
Stop painting in the clipping buffer. Back to normal.
func Painter.fillCircle | [src] |
Draw a solid circle.
func Painter.fillEllipse | [src] |
Draw a solid ellipse.
func Painter.fillPath | [src] |
Fill a list of paths.
Fill a list of paths.
If the path is clockwise, it will be filled. If the path is anti-clockwise, it will be considered as a hole.
func Painter.fillPolygon | [src] |
Fill the polygon with the given color.
Fill the polygon with the given brush.
func Painter.fillRect | [src] |
Draw a filled rectangle.
func Painter.fillRoundRect | [src] |
Draw a filled round rectangle.
func Painter.getClippingRect | [src] |
Get the current clipping rectangle.
func Painter.getGlyphs | [src] |
Returns all the glyphs for a given string and font.
func Painter.getParams | [src] |
func Painter.getQuality | [src] |
func Painter.getTransform | [src] |
Returns the current tranformation.
func Painter.isEmptyClippingRect | [src] |
Returns true if the current clipping rectangle is empty (no drawing !).
func Painter.measureRune | [src] |
Get a rune size for a given font.
func Painter.measureString | [src] |
Returns the metrics of a given text.
Returns the bounding rectangle of a given text, at a given position.
func Painter.popClippingRect | [src] |
Restore the original clipping rectangle.
func Painter.popState | [src] |
Restore the last paint state.
func Painter.popTransform | [src] |
Restore the pushed transformation.
func Painter.pushClippingRect | [src] |
Interface the given rectangle with the current clipping rectangle.
func Painter.pushClippingSurfaceRect | [src] |
Interface the given rectangle with the current clipping rectangle.
func Painter.pushState | [src] |
Save the current paint state.
func Painter.pushTransform | [src] |
Push the current transformation.
func Painter.releaseRenderTarget | [src] |
Release the render target.
func Painter.removeParams | [src] |
func Painter.resetClippingRect | [src] |
Reset the current clipping rectangle.
func Painter.resetClippingRegion | [src] |
Reset clipping buffer to its default value (no more clipping).
func Painter.resetState | [src] |
Reset the current painting state.
func Painter.resetTransform | [src] |
Reset the paint position, rotation, scale.
func Painter.rotateTransform | [src] |
Set the paint rotation.
func Painter.rotateTransformInPlace | [src] |
Set the paint rotation.
Will rotate around the current transformation position.
func Painter.scaleTransform | [src] |
Set the paint scale.
func Painter.setAntialiased | [src] |
Set antialiased mode on/off.
func Painter.setBlendingMode | [src] |
Set the current blending mode.
func Painter.setClippingRect | [src] |
Set the current clipping rectangle.
func Painter.setClippingRegionMode | [src] |
Set the clipping region mode.
func Painter.setColorMask | [src] |
Set color mask.
func Painter.setColorMaskAlpha | [src] |
func Painter.setColorMaskColor | [src] |
func Painter.setColorMaskFull | [src] |
func Painter.setInterpolationMode | [src] |
Set the texture interpolation mode.
func Painter.setParams | [src] |
Set the paint parameters.
func Painter.setQuality | [src] |
Set the paint quality.
func Painter.setShader | [src] |
Set the current shader.
func Painter.setShaderParam | [src] |
Set a shader parameter.
func Painter.setState | [src] |
Set the current painting state.
func Painter.setTransform | [src] |
Set the paint transformation.
func Painter.startClippingRegion | [src] |
Start painting in the clipping buffer.
func Painter.translateTransform | [src] |
Set the paint position.
func Painter.unbindRenderTarget | [src] |
Bind a render target.
struct Pixel.Pen | [src] |
size | f32 | |
brush | Brush | |
pattern | Core.Array'(f32) | |
dashBeginCapStyle | DashCapStyle | |
dashEndCapStyle | DashCapStyle | |
borderPos | BorderPos | |
capStartScaleX | f32 | |
capStartScaleY | f32 | |
capEndScaleX | f32 | |
capEndScaleY | f32 | |
joinMiterLimit | f32 | |
plotOffset | f32 | |
dashStyle | DashStyle | |
beginCapStyle | LineCapStyle | |
endCapStyle | LineCapStyle | |
joinStyle | JoinStyle |
createDash | Returns a dash pen. |
createHatch | Return a predefined hatch pen. |
createSolid | Returns a solid color pen. |
func Pen.createDash | [src] |
Returns a dash pen.
func Pen.createHatch | [src] |
Return a predefined hatch pen.
func Pen.createSolid | [src] |
Returns a solid color pen.
enum Pixel.PixelFormat | [src] |
Desribe the layout format of one image pixel.
BGR8 | |
BGRA8 | |
RGB8 | |
func PixelFormat.bitDepth | [src] |
Returns the bit depth of each channel.
func PixelFormat.bpp | [src] |
Returns the bpp (bits per pixel) of the given pixel format.
func PixelFormat.channels | [src] |
Returns the number of image channels.
func PixelFormat.hasAlpha | [src] |
Returns true if the given pixel format has an alpha channel.
namespace Pixel.Png |
Decoder | |
EncodeOptions | |
Encoder |
struct Png.Decoder | [src] |
func IImageDecoder.canDecode | [src] |
func IImageDecoder.decode | [src] |
struct Png.EncodeOptions | [src] |
compressionLevel | Core.Compress.Deflate.CompressionLevel | |
filtering | bool |
struct Png.Encoder | [src] |
func IImageEncoder.canEncode | [src] |
func IImageEncoder.encode | [src] |
namespace Pixel.Poly2Tri |
Edge | |
Point | |
Result | |
Tessellate | |
Triangle |
struct Poly2Tri.Edge | [src] |
p | *Poly2Tri.Point | |
q | *Poly2Tri.Point |
struct Poly2Tri.Point | [src] |
using v | Core.Math.Vector2 | |
edges | Core.Array'(*Pixel.Poly2Tri.Edge) | |
border | [2] *Poly2Tri.Edge |
struct Poly2Tri.Result | [src] |
triangles | Core.Array'(*Pixel.Poly2Tri.Triangle) | |
edges | Core.Array'(*Pixel.Poly2Tri.Edge) | |
points | Core.Array'(*Pixel.Poly2Tri.Point) | |
triIndices | Core.Array'(u64) | |
tess | *Poly2Tri.Tessellate |
struct Poly2Tri.Tessellate | [src] |
addPoint | Register a new point. |
addPolyLine | Register a polygon as a polyline. |
clear | Clear content. |
endPolyLine | To call to register the polyline. |
getResult | Get the triangulation result. |
startPolyLine | To call before adding a polyline. |
triangulate | Triangulate. |
opDrop |
func Tessellate.addPoint | [src] |
Register a new point.
func Tessellate.addPolyLine | [src] |
Register a polygon as a polyline.
func Tessellate.clear | [src] |
Clear content.
func Tessellate.endPolyLine | [src] |
To call to register the polyline.
The polyline registration should have been done before with [[startPolyline]]
func Tessellate.getResult | [src] |
Get the triangulation result.
func Tessellate.opDrop | [src] |
func Tessellate.startPolyLine | [src] |
To call before adding a polyline.
A polyline is a polygon border. See [[addPoint]] and [[endPolyLine]]
func Tessellate.triangulate | [src] |
struct Poly2Tri.Triangle | [src] |
constrainedEdge | [3] bool | |
delaunayEdge | [3] bool | |
points | [3] *Poly2Tri.Point | |
neighbors | [3] *Poly2Tri.Triangle | |
idx | u64 | |
interior | bool |
struct Pixel.Polygon | [src] |
points | Core.Array'(Core.Math.Vector2) | |
isClockwise | bool | |
isConvex | bool | |
area | f32 | |
totalLen | f32 | |
bvMin | Core.Math.Vector2 | |
bvMax | Core.Math.Vector2 |
add | Add a new point. |
clean | Clean polygon by removing bad/unecessary points. |
clear | Clear all points. |
compute | Compute internal values, like convex/clockwise Call it once the polygon contains all its points. |
getClean | Clean polygon by removing bad/unecessary points. |
getOffset | Slow but quality offset with a joinStyle. |
getPoint(self, u64) | Get the given point. |
getPoint(self, u64, f32) | Get the given point, with an optional offset. |
getPoint(self, u64) | |
normalizeDist | Divide by adding points if two points are too far away. |
offset(self, f32) | Fast expand polygon by a given amount. |
offset(self, f32, JoinStyle, f32) | Slow but quality offset with a joinStyle. |
func Polygon.add | [src] |
Add a new point.
func Polygon.clean | [src] |
Clean polygon by removing bad/unecessary points.
func Polygon.clear | [src] |
Clear all points.
func Polygon.compute | [src] |
Compute internal values, like convex/clockwise Call it once the polygon contains all its points.
func Polygon.getClean | [src] |
Clean polygon by removing bad/unecessary points.
func Polygon.getOffset | [src] |
Slow but quality offset with a joinStyle.
func Polygon.getPoint | [src] |
Get the given point.
Get the given point, with an optional offset.
func Polygon.normalizeDist | [src] |
Divide by adding points if two points are too far away.
func Polygon.offset | [src] |
Fast expand polygon by a given amount.
Slow but quality offset with a joinStyle.
struct Pixel.RenderOgl | [src] |
using native | NativeRenderOgl | |
vertexbuffer | Ogl.GLuint | |
shaderSimple | ShaderSimple | |
shaderAA | ShaderAA | |
shaderBlur | ShaderBlur | |
shaderFont | ShaderFont | |
worldTransform | Core.Math.Transform2 | |
orthoMatrix | Core.Math.Matrix4x4 | |
modelMatrix | Core.Math.Matrix4x4 | |
whiteTexture | Ogl.GLuint | |
hatchTextures | [36] Ogl.GLuint | |
blendingMode | BlendingMode | |
curRC | RenderingContext | |
stackReleasedRT | Core.Array'(*Pixel.RenderTarget) | |
stackRT | Core.Array'(*Pixel.RenderTarget) | |
curRT | *RenderTarget | |
curShader | *ShaderBase | |
overlapMode | bool |
addImage(self, const &Image) | Register an image for rendering. |
addImage(self, string) | Load and register an image for rendering. |
begin | To be called before rendering. |
bindRenderTarget | Set the current render target. |
clear | Clear current render buffers. |
computeMatrices | |
createRenderTarget | Create a render target. |
createShader | Create the given shader. |
deleteRenderTarget | Delete a render target. |
draw | Draw the given painter. |
end | To be called after rendering. |
getRenderTarget | Get a render target of the given size releaseRenderTarget must be called to release it. |
getTargetSize | Get the actual render target size. |
getTexturePixels | Returns the pixels associated to a texture. |
init | First init. |
pixelFormatToNative | |
releaseRenderTarget | Release the given render target. |
removeTexture | Unregister a texture created with addImage. |
resetScissorRect | Reset the scissor. |
resetTransform | Reset the world transform. |
rotateTransform(self, const &Angle) | Rotate the world transform. |
rotateTransform(self, const &Angle, f32, f32) | Rotate the world transform. |
scaleTransform | Scale the world transform. |
setCurrentContext | Set the current rendering context. |
setScissorRect | Force the scissor. |
setShader | Set the current shader. |
translateTransform | Translate the world transform. |
unbindRenderTarget | Go back to the previous render target, or frame buffer. |
unbindRenderTargetToImage | Get current render target pixels. |
updateTexture | Update content of texture. |
opDrop |
func RenderOgl.addImage | [src] |
Load and register an image for rendering.
Register an image for rendering.
func RenderOgl.begin | [src] |
To be called before rendering.
func RenderOgl.bindRenderTarget | [src] |
Set the current render target.
func RenderOgl.clear | [src] |
Clear current render buffers.
func RenderOgl.computeMatrices | [src] |
func RenderOgl.createRenderTarget | [src] |
Create a render target.
func RenderOgl.createShader | [src] |
Create the given shader.
func RenderOgl.deleteRenderTarget | [src] |
Delete a render target.
func RenderOgl.draw | [src] |
Draw the given painter.
func RenderOgl.end | [src] |
To be called after rendering.
func RenderOgl.getRenderTarget | [src] |
Get a render target of the given size releaseRenderTarget must be called to release it.
func RenderOgl.getTargetSize | [src] |
Get the actual render target size.
func RenderOgl.getTexturePixels | [src] |
Returns the pixels associated to a texture.
func RenderOgl.init | [src] |
First init.
func RenderOgl.opDrop | [src] |
func RenderOgl.pixelFormatToNative | [src] |
func RenderOgl.releaseRenderTarget | [src] |
Release the given render target.
func RenderOgl.removeTexture | [src] |
Unregister a texture created with addImage.
func RenderOgl.resetScissorRect | [src] |
Reset the scissor.
func RenderOgl.resetTransform | [src] |
Reset the world transform.
func RenderOgl.rotateTransform | [src] |
Rotate the world transform.
func RenderOgl.scaleTransform | [src] |
Scale the world transform.
func RenderOgl.setCurrentContext | [src] |
Set the current rendering context.
func RenderOgl.setScissorRect | [src] |
Force the scissor.
func RenderOgl.setShader | [src] |
Set the current shader.
func RenderOgl.translateTransform | [src] |
Translate the world transform.
func RenderOgl.unbindRenderTarget | [src] |
Go back to the previous render target, or frame buffer.
func RenderOgl.unbindRenderTargetToImage | [src] |
Get current render target pixels.
func RenderOgl.updateTexture | [src] |
Update content of texture.
struct Pixel.RenderTarget | [src] |
handle | RenderTargetHandle | |
colorBuffer | Texture | |
depthStencil | RenderTargetSurfaceHandle | |
paintAlpha | bool | |
paintAlphaIdx | u64 |
struct Pixel.RenderingContext | [src] |
hDC | Win32.HDC | |
hRC | Ogl.HGLRC | |
width | s32 | |
height | s32 |
struct Pixel.RichChunk | [src] |
slice | string | |
fontStyle | FontFamilyStyle | |
hasFontStyle | bool | |
isSpace | bool | |
isEol | bool | |
isUrl | bool | |
isHotUrl | bool | |
colorIdx | s32 | |
boundRect | Core.Math.Rectangle | |
pos | Core.Math.Point | |
font | *Font | |
under | UnderlineStyle |
struct Pixel.RichString | [src] |
Represents a string with embedded formats.
raw | Core.String | The string as passed by the user. |
chunks | Core.Array'(Pixel.RichChunk) | The corresponding list of chunks. |
layoutRect | Core.Math.Rectangle | |
boundRect | Core.Math.Rectangle | |
hasUrl | bool | |
dirty | bool | If dirty, Compute. |
This kind of string is a specific version of [Core.String] but specific for painting. It can contains some special markers to change it's appearence.
See RichString.set for a list of available markers.
compute | Compute layout. |
getNaked | Transform the given string to a naked one. |
getUrlChunkAt | Get the url chunk at position at. |
invalidate | Force the string to be repainted. |
isEmpty | Returns true if the string is empty. |
set | Associate a string. |
opAffect | |
opCount | |
opEquals | |
opPostCopy | We need to recompute chunks, as they contains slices. |
func RichString.compute | [src] |
Compute layout.
This will transform the string in a serie of chunks, each chunk having its one style. The string will only be recomputed if it's dirty (the text has changed) or if force is true.
func RichString.getNaked | [src] |
Transform the given string to a naked one.
Will return the string without the format markers.
func RichString.getUrlChunkAt | [src] |
Get the url chunk at position at.
If an url does not exists, returns null.
func RichString.invalidate | [src] |
Force the string to be repainted.
func RichString.isEmpty | [src] |
Returns true if the string is empty.
func RichString.opAffect | [src] |
func RichString.opCount | [src] |
func RichString.opEquals | [src] |
func RichString.opPostCopy | [src] |
We need to recompute chunks, as they contains slices.
func RichString.set | [src] |
Associate a string.
The string can have multiple lines. Accepted markers are:
struct Pixel.RichStringFormat | [src] |
font | FontFamily | |
fontStyle | FontFamilyStyle | |
palette | [4] Color | Color of text between <p?>...<p?> markers. |
colorUrl | Color | Color of text between <url>...<url> markers. |
colorHotUrl | Color | Color of text between <url>...<url> markers when mouse is inside. |
brush | Brush | |
horzAlignment | StringHorzAlignment | |
vertAlignment | StringVertAlignment | |
lineGap | s32 | |
flags | StringFormatFlags |
struct Pixel.ShaderAA | [src] |
using base | ShaderBase |
struct Pixel.ShaderBase | [src] |
handle | ShaderHandle | |
mvp | ShaderParamHandle | |
mdl | ShaderParamHandle | |
boundRect | ShaderParamHandle | |
textureRect | ShaderParamHandle | |
uvMode | ShaderParamHandle | |
copyMode | ShaderParamHandle | |
textureW | ShaderParamHandle | |
textureH | ShaderParamHandle |
struct Pixel.ShaderBlur | [src] |
using base | ShaderBase | |
radius | ShaderParamHandle | |
axis | ShaderParamHandle |
struct Pixel.ShaderFont | [src] |
using base | ShaderBase |
struct Pixel.ShaderSimple | [src] |
using base | ShaderBase |
enum Pixel.StringFormatFlags | [src] |
Default | |
WordWrap | |
Clip | |
DontAdaptSingleLineHeight |
enum Pixel.StringHorzAlignment | [src] |
Center | |
Left | |
Right | |
Justify |
struct Pixel.StringMetrics | [src] |
ascent | f32 | Maximum size above baseline. |
descent | f32 | Maximum size below baseline. |
width | f32 | |
height | f32 | ascent + descent. |
struct Pixel.StringPainter | [src] |
str | RichString | |
fmt | RichStringFormat |
color | Set text color. |
draw | Draw string. |
flags | Set drawing flags. |
font | Set font. |
horzAlign | Set horizontal alignment. |
vertAlign | Set vertical alignment. |
func StringPainter.color | [src] |
Set text color.
func StringPainter.draw | [src] |
Draw string.
func StringPainter.flags | [src] |
Set drawing flags.
func StringPainter.font | [src] |
Set font.
func StringPainter.horzAlign | [src] |
Set horizontal alignment.
func StringPainter.vertAlign | [src] |
Set vertical alignment.
enum Pixel.StringVertAlignment | [src] |
Center | |
Top | |
Bottom |
struct Pixel.Texture | [src] |
handle | TextureHandle | |
pf | PixelFormat | |
width | s32 | |
height | s32 | |
valid | bool |
getByteSize | |
isValid |
func Texture.getByteSize | [src] |
func Texture.isValid | [src] |
namespace Pixel.Tga |
Decoder | |
Encoder |
struct Tga.Decoder | [src] |
func IImageDecoder.canDecode | [src] |
func IImageDecoder.decode | [src] |
struct Tga.Encoder | [src] |
func IImageEncoder.canEncode | [src] |
func IImageEncoder.encode | [src] |
struct Pixel.TypeFace | [src] |
fullname | string | |
buffer | Core.Array'(u8) | |
face | FreeType.FT_Face | |
forceBoldDiv | u32 | |
forceItalic | bool | |
forceBold | bool |
create | Get or create a new typeface from a memory buffer. |
createFromHFONT | Create a new typeface from a HFONT. |
getFamilyName | Returns the underlying font family name. |
getRuneOutline | Convert a rune to its outline, at a given size. |
getStringOutline | Convert a string to its outline, at a given size. |
isBold | Returns true if the typeface is bold. |
isItalic | Returns true if the typeface is italic. |
load | Get or load a new typeface. |
release | Release the given typeface. |
renderGlyph | Render one glyph. |
func TypeFace.create | [src] |
Get or create a new typeface from a memory buffer.
func TypeFace.createFromHFONT | [src] |
Create a new typeface from a HFONT.
func TypeFace.getFamilyName | [src] |
Returns the underlying font family name.
func TypeFace.getRuneOutline | [src] |
Convert a rune to its outline, at a given size.
func TypeFace.getStringOutline | [src] |
Convert a string to its outline, at a given size.
func TypeFace.isBold | [src] |
Returns true if the typeface is bold.
func TypeFace.isItalic | [src] |
Returns true if the typeface is italic.
func TypeFace.load | [src] |
Get or load a new typeface.
func TypeFace.release | [src] |
Release the given typeface.
func TypeFace.renderGlyph | [src] |
Render one glyph.
enum Pixel.UVMode | [src] |
Fill | |
FillSubRect | |
Tile |
enum Pixel.UnderlineStyle | [src] |
None | |
Underline | |
Strikeout |
struct Pixel.VertexLayout | [src] |
pos | Core.Math.Vector2 | |
uv | Core.Math.Vector2 | |
color | u32 | |
aa | [12] Core.Math.Vector4 | |
aanum | f32 |